This package (?) contains 2 files : 1) xmc 2) README Xmc is X Minek Commander - Norton Commander clone running on X. It's written in Tcl/Tk. I tested it on Linux, Tcl 7.4 and Tk 4.0. This package (?) doesn't contain Tcl or Tk, so you have to install it yourself. The best place to get it, should be : 1) 2) 3) Most of Linux installations have it already installed. Wish, or link to wish, is supposed to be located at /usr/bin, if your wish is elsewhere, please change first line in xmc. Xmc could be located where you want, but I think the best place is /usr/local/bin. It's just a first version, I spend 13 hours on it. Next versions are expected very soon. Menu, execpt a few options, is not working yet, althought generally this program can be usefull. I don't know why, but file attributes are not read correctly by my Tcl, so RWX persmissions are always displayed. I just started with Tcl/Tk, and this program is just result of my learning. I used some code (just a little bit...) from the book "Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk" written by Brent Welch. This is a very good book, althought I paid for it 50.95 $CAN. Please let me know, if you have something interesting to say. [Minek]