from the plplot README: PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich enough to satisfy most users. It has a wide range of plot types including line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set. The package is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a handful of function calls is typically required. For more advanced use, virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable. The PLplot package is distributable under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) with some exceptions -- see the file "Copyright" for full information. The intent here is to ensure that PLplot continues to evolve in a positive way, while remaining freely distributable. Placing the library under the LGPL enables software developers to use the PLplot library as an integral part of their product, even a commercial product. ============================================ This code in this distribution can be used in two ways: (A) For those who don't really want to use C++ or [incr Tcl] (the basic Plplot and Matrix libraries) (B) For those who do want to use C++ and/or [incr Tcl] (The above plus the libraries with 'Cpp' in their names) The latter includes a much better matrix (but backwards compatible with the Tcl one included in the basic plplot.dll), and a more sophisticated plplot-tcl interface set of procedures. The advantage of the latter is (i) more sophisticated: gives error messages that are useful; allows completion of arguments etc, (ii) uses the Tcl_Obj interface to Tcl so it is faster. To use the latter approach you must also download and install the 'Cpptcl' package. ============================================ Installation: Double-click or otherwise run the file 'RunToInstall.tcl' WINDOWS USERS: YOU MAY NEED TO ADD THE ".../Tcl/lib/" DIRECTORY TO YOUR ENVIRONMENT PATH SO THAT THE DLL's IT CONTAINS ARE AUTO-LOADED. MACOS USERS: Plplot creates temporary files which are not deleted due to a bug in MacTcl. These will have to be deleted manually. To fix the bug, recompile MacTcl replacing 'ExitToShell' with 'exit' in the file tclMacExit.c that's it. Double click on 'pltest.tcl' (or either of the other tests) to test everything. Try pressing 'Z' to zoom into the plot, and then 'b' and 'f' to move around your set of zoomed resolutions. For your own code 'package require Pltk ; plframe .p; pack .p' is about the simplest use. (Use plxframe for the nicer frame with menus). For your code the provided 'Plplotwin' class provides a cleaner, more sophisticated interface, assuming you have tcl++ installed. (Try 'Plplotwin .g ; pack .g -fill both -expand yes') ============================================== This was compiled for Tk8.0p2 and will probably not work with any older version. Sources are available on request (and will be made generally available for ftp/http as soon as possible). Plplot is distributed under the GLPL. Yours, Vince Darley