This directory contains some scripts to install the bones database based on the msql database backend. The first thing to do is to create the bones database using msqladmin: msqladmin create bones Note, it might be necessary to increase the max length of table/field names. Please edit msql_priv.h accordingly before installing any databases. You can remove the complete database with `msqladmin drop bones' if something goes wrong during installation and you want start from scratch. To create the bones tables, you can use the bones2sql script: bones2sql | msql bones To create tables for SNMP MIB statistics, you can use the mib2sql script: mib2sql mib-2 | msql bones To fill the database with some tuples guessed from the environment, you can run the nis2sql script: nis2sql | msql bones Now you can look at the database using the bones.tcl script contained in the tkined directory. It should show up as an option in the Tools menu if you have compiled scotty with msql support. There is also some early work on re-implementing the netguard system on top of a realtional database. The bogart script defines some procs to retrieve simpel statistics and to write them into a file. The idea is to send this local file periodically to a http server that will feed the data into the database. It is not complete yet.