Fcgi.tcl README FastCGI interface for Tcl 8.0 Copyright 1998 Tom Poindexter, all rights reserved tpoindex@nyx.net Fcgi.tcl is distributed under a "BSD" style license. See the file 'LICENSE.TERMS' for details. WHERE TO GET IT http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/sorted/net/fcgi.tcl-0.4/fcgi.tcl-0.4.tar.gz ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/sorted/net/fcgi.tcl-0.4/fcgi.tcl-0.4.tar.gz see http://www.nyx.net/~tpoindex for web info WHAT IS FCGI.TCL? Fcgi.tcl is a Tcl interface for the FastCGI protocol. Fcgi.tcl is designed to work with Tcl 8.0. Fcgi.tcl comes in two flavors: -- a Tcl source version which is written in 100% pure Tcl, optionally using the Extended Tcl (TclX) extension for certain types of FastCGI connections. -- a Tcl C extension version, which uses library code from the FastCGI Developer's kit. Each flavor provides the same programming interface for application programs. See the file INSTALL for more information about the two flavors. FastCGI is a protocol to allow CGI-style programs to be started as a server, avoiding the CGI overhead of process creation and program loading. FastCGI servers can be run on the same machine as your web server, or run on different machines. For more details on FastCGI, see: http://www.fastcgi.com http://fastcgi.idle.com The FastCGI developer's kit (www.fastcgi.com) contains interfaces for Tcl 7.4. Unfortunately, that interface have never been updated for newer versions of Tcl. Fcgi.tcl was written to keep up with the lastest Tcl releases. REQUIREMENTS: Tcl 8.0 tcl8.0p2.tar.gz or newer: http://sunscript.sun.com ftp://ftp.sunlabs.com/pub/tcl Extended Tcl tclX8.0.2.tar.gz or newer, is required for 'AppClass' style connections when using the 100% Tcl flavor: http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/ftparchive/TclX ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/TclX FastCGI Developer's kit fcgi2.0b2.1.tar.gz or newer, is required to build the C extension flavor: http://fastcgi.idle.com/fcgi2.0b2.1.tar.gz http://www.fastcgi.com/applibs/2.0.0/fcgi-devel-kit.tar.Z A Web server supporting the FastCGI protocol: Apache 1.2.x or higher, using the mod_fastcgi 2.0.9 module http://www.apache.org http://www.fastcgi.com http://fastcgi.idle.com also see 'mod_apache1.2.5.pat' NCSA 1.5 /w FastCGI support http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu http://www.fastcgi.com/servers/ncsa/ Netscape /w FastCGI support http://home.netscape.com http://fastserv.name.net Open Market Web Server http://www.openmarket.com Stronghold Web Server http://www.c2.net/ Bluestone Sapphire/Web Server http://www.bluestone.com (or any other server that supports FastCGI) Highly Recommended: cgi.tcl - The fine CGI support package by Don Libes. I can't say enough good things about this package. If you're writing CGI in Tcl, you need this! http://expect.nist.gov/cgi.tcl ** Fcgi.tcl has only been tested with: Apache 1.2.5 with mod_fastcgi 2.0.9 on Solaris. Please mail me on using Fcgi.tcl with other servers, and I'll add to this list. INSTALLATION See the file INSTALL. Quickie version: ./configure --prefix=/same/as/tcl; make install-tcl-src DOCUMENTATION See the man page for Fcgi.tcl, and the NOTES file. Html, text, and Postscript versions of the man page are in ./doc KNOWN BUGS I've only tested Fcgi.tcl in the role of RESPONDER. Other FastCGI roles include AUTHORIZER and FILTER. Please let me know if you use either of these roles. MAILING LIST A mailing list is active for FastCGI issues. Mail to: fastcgi-developers-request@openmarket.com with a single line as the body of the message: "subscribe" (without the quotes, of course!) BUG REPORTS, FIXES, COMMENTS, & SUGGESTIONS Please mail to me at: tpoindex@nyx.net Please be sure to identify which flavor of fcgi.tcl you are using! And any other relevant information such as web server, etc.