This file contains auto-loadable library code written for the Tnm Tcl extension. The idea is to write monitoring jobs that can be embedded into management applications or even mid-level manager (or smart agents - whatever is the right name today). Here is a short list of the contents of these files: dialog.tcl -- Some dialogs that I use frequently. output.tcl -- An output window that I use frequently to display arbitrary text. snmp.tcl -- Some utilities to pretty print SNMP information. These utilities call the proc writeln to write the text to whatever you want. If you alias writeln with puts, you get all to stdout. The output window (see above) defines writeln to write to the text widget. monitor.tcl -- A set of low-level monitoring procedures that interact with applications using the event command. This file includes code to monitor SNMP variables, to monitor SNMP variable value changes, to monitor SNMP sysUpTime discontinuities and to monitor the interface load. obsolete.tcl -- This file contains definitions for commands that are obsolete. You should not use these command procedures since they are likely to be deleted in a future version.