This distribution contents CMU-SNMP code plus a "modified" snmptcl and MIB-browser built using that distibution. To see how to build the snmptcl see file snmptcl/README. But first you must build the libsnmp, instructions for which follow: This code has been tested on a sparcstation (SUNOS4.1.1). It may not run on other Unix systems (but then again it may). When porting to a new processor architecture, read the first page of snmplib/md5.c and define LOWBYTEFIRST according to the instruction. Run "make all install". edit etc/acl.conf, etc/party.conf, etc/view.conf and /etc/context.conf to create parties for your site. Then copy these files to /etc on the each system that will be running either applications or agents. setenv MIBFILE $root/mib.txt Where $root is the root directory of the SNMP distribution. The applications are in $root/bin and the documentation is in $root/man. "setenv SUFFIX" changes the output format of many of the apps in a helpful manner. Try it.