-------------------------------------------------- Mark's MUd CLient, Mmucl (pronounced muckle) v1.0b4 A mud client written in Tcl/Tk Copyright (C) Mark Patton email: tmtro1@idt.net homepage: http://idt.net/~tmtr01/mmucl/ -------------------------------------------------- Mmucl is a mud client written in the scripting language Tcl/Tk. Mmucl requires version 4.2 or better of Tk. A version of Tk that understands the new font format will make configuration easier however. The latest Tcl/Tk releases can be found at ftp://ftp.sunlabs.com/pub/tcl Mmucl can be found at http://idt.net/~tmtr01/mmucl and http://www.neosoft.com/tcl/contributed-software/ INFORMATION ABOUT MMUCL ----------------------- Mmucl comes with two different graphical interfaces to the core Mmucl library, Xmmucl and Winmmucl. Xmmucl is a floating tool bar that uses a console, preferably a xterm, to display mud output. Winmmucl provides its own window to display output in. I wrote Mmucl to learn a little about Tcl/Tk and because I couldn't find any unix mud clients with decent graphical user interfaces. But because I wrote Mmucl in Tcl/Tk, it runs mostly without changes on any platform to which Tcl/Tk has been ported. Mmucl has been verified to work under Linux, Windows 95, and Windows NT with Tk version 4.2 or higher. My intention in coding Mmucl was to combine the functionality of unix mud clients with a nice graphical user interface. Provided you learn Tcl/Tk, which is a relatively simple process, Mmucl is infinitely extendable. If Mmucl lacks a feature you want, you can add it yourself. The sample mmucl.rc provides a number of examples. FEATURES -------- -Regexp actions(triggers). -Sophisticated alias language(Tcl). -Routines for keeping track of characters and their init files. -Ansi color support(winmmucl) -History(hit up or down to scroll through past commands). -Portable, runs under any OS that runs Tcl/Tk. -Extendable, easily customized. Extensive examples provided. -Help files written in html. -Help system provides a stand alone local html browser. -Easy to use graphical interface to the command line procedures. -Edit aliases, actions, key bindings, and characters graphically. -Dialog boxes for connection to muds, loading files, etc. LICENSE ------- Mmucl is distributed under the Gnu Public License. Read the file LICENSE that comes with the Mmucl distribution for more information. FEEDBACK --------- If you have comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. email me at tmtr01@idt.net.