Application: ------------- This is a small application that allows you to jump up and down the MIB tree -:) It also allows you open a connection to a box and do SNMP gets, walks. Currently there is no support for sets, though the base SNMP implementation (CMU) has the support. You can also produce the postscript output of the MIB tree, ala canvas widget of Tk. Credits: -------- Tcl 7.3/ Tk 3.6, CMU's SNMP implementation. SNMP interface for Tcl by Poul-Henning Kamp, ( Tree widget by Allan Brighton. A tiny MIB extension by me (Subodh Nijsure). Note of thanks -------------- Thanks to my management at Cisco Systems, Inc. for allowing me to contribute this stuff to the Tcl/Snmp community. Requirements ------------ The following software is required to compile this release: from OR tk-3.6 or later tcl-7.3 or later tree widget by Allan Brighton, which is available on file /pub/tcl/extensions/tree3.6.tar.gz Compiling ---------- This MIB browser uses Tree widget by Allan Brighton, so before trying to build snmpwish please download it. This tree widget is available from I only tested this on SunOS4.1.3 with Sun's C++ compiler. Edit file and set correct values for LIB_DIR, BIN_DIR and INCLUDE_DIR. LIB_DIR should point to place where libtcl.a,libtk.a, libtktree.a, libOS.a will be found BIN_DIR should point to place where snmptcl and snmpwish will be copied while making target install. INCLUDE_DIR should point to a directory where tcl/tk headers are installed. Also you may want to edit the prefix and exec_prefix as per your installation of tcl/tk. Then run ./configure and do make. make install will install the snmptcl,snmpwish,mib-tree in your BIN_DIR location. There is a binary distribution of snmpwish available for SunOS 4.1.3, in directory bin.sun4. Read the README file in that directory. Don't forget to read the COPYRIGHTS file. Man Pages -------- See the man page for new TCL command "mib". Plans ------ Add dialogs to support SNMP sets. Add polling support if there is enough interest. Generate "monitor" GUIs on the fly using Tkdial, Tkpie widgets. Feedback --------- Send me your feedback at or -Subodh Nijsure