An ONC RPC implementation as a dynamically loadable extension for Tcl 7.5 by Cristian Mata See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. Tcl implementation based upon a sample extension by Scott Stanton w/ help from Ray Johnson 1. Introduction --------------- This directory contains an RPC implementation based on RFC 1831/1832 as a dynamically loadable extension for Tcl 7.5. The documentation for the extension is located in the "doc" subdirectory in HTML format. 2. Compiling the extension -------------------------- For Unix systems: (a) Make sure that the Tcl 7.5 release is present in the directory ../tcl7.5. This example will only work with Tcl 7.5. Also, be sure that you have configured Tcl before you configure the example. You can obtain the Tcl 7.5 release by anonymous ftp from Hint: If the Tcl distribution is not in ../tcl7.5, make a symbolic link to it from .. or use --with-Tcl=DIR on the command line for ./configure. (b) Type "./configure". This runs a configuration script created by GNU autoconf, which configures Tcl for your system and creates a Makefile. The configure script allows you to customize the Tcl configuration for your site; for details on how you can do this, type "./configure -help" or refer to the autoconf documentation (not included here). Note: the example will use the same C compiler (e.g. gcc) as Tcl, as well as several other of Tcl's configuration options. You should not usually modify CC in the Makefile generated here (if do you, be sure to check all of the definitions related to dynamic loading to make sure that they are still correct). The example "configure" supports the following special switches in addition to the standard ones: --with-tcl=DIR Specifies the directory containing the Tcl binaries and Tcl's platform-dependent configuration information. By default the Tcl directory is assumed to be in the location given by (a) above. (c) Type "make". This will create a shared library called "" and a package index file called "pkgIndex.tcl". (d) Type "make test" to test the example. This will attempt to load txrx from the current directory. If it succeeds, you will see no message, otherwise you will see error messages indicating which tests have failed. For Microsoft Windows systems: (a) Make sure that you have installed the Tcl 7.5 binary release. Because most "make" programs don't support long file names, you should install Tcl into a directory that does not contain spaces in the name. This is primarily an issue under Windows 95, since the default location is under the "Program Files" directory. Hint: Install the release under \Tcl. Remember to set the environment variables TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY to point to the right directories. If Tcl is installed on C: under \Tcl, then TCL/TK_LIBRARY should be /tcl/lib/tcl7.5, respectively /tcl/lib/tk4.1. (b) If you are using the Borland compilers: CAUTION: this extension hasn't been tested with the BORLAND compiler. 1. Copy the file "makefile.bc" to the file "makefile". 2. Edit "makefile" and change the BORLAND and TCL macros to point to the directories where the Borland and Tcl releases are installed. 3. Type "make". This will create a DLL called "example.dll" and a package index file called "pkgIndex.tcl". (c) If you are using the Visual C++ compilers: 1. You will need the file "" from the archive. This file contains the .LIB import files needed to link against the binary release of Tcl 7.5. 2. Unzip the archive into the current directory. This should create the tcl75.lib and tk41.lib files. 3. Copy the file "" to the file "makefile". 4. Edit "makefile" and change the TOOLS32 and TCL variables to point to the directories where the Visual C++ and Tcl releases are installed. 5. Type "nmake". This will create a DLL called "example.dll" and a package index file called "pkgIndex.tcl". 6. Type "nmake test" to test the example. This will attempt to load the example package from the current directory. If it succeeds, you will see the message "Test passed.", otherwise you will see an error. (d) You can install the example by placing "txrx.dll" and "txrx.tcl" in the directory containing tclsh75.exe or a directory on your path. In addition, you should place the pkgIndex.tcl file into a directory on your auto_path. For Macintosh systems: Note: no project file is provided yet. If you need to build TxRx on a Mac you'll need to obtain the sample project file from and make the necessary changes to the project file. Before you can compile the extension, you must have the Tcl 7.5 source release. You can obtain the release by anonymous ftp from You should install the directory including this example at the same level as the Tcl 7.5 workspace. Once you've done that, you should be able to use the included project file as is. Note: Dynamic loading only works on Power PC Macs. 3. Porting Issues ----------------- Because the binary release of Tcl for Windows is compiled with Borland C++ 4.52, the malloc() and free() routines it uses are not compatible with the malloc() and free() supplied by other C run time libraries (either VC++ or any other compiler). In order to avoid memory corruption, you must never pass malloc'ed memory to Tcl, expecting Tcl to use free() on it. Instead you need to pass your own free proc along with the data. This will mostly affect uses of Tcl_SetResult (or interp->result) and the TCL_DYNAMIC flag. Similarly, you should not attempt to free memory that Tcl has allocated. Eventually, we plan to supply a Tcl_Alloc and Tcl_Free routine that can be used by Tcl extensions to safely allocate/deallocate memory using the Tcl allocator, regardless of the compiler used. Note: tcl7.5p1 provides Tcl_Alloc and Tcl_Free. Txrx uses consistently ckalloc and ckfree to allocated/deallocate memory. In Tcl7.5p1 these macros map to Tcl_Alloc and Tcl_Free. Txrx has been tested with Visual C 4.0 and there have been no memory allocattion problems. 4. Installation --------------- No installation routine is provided. To use TxRx you will need to set the global Tcl variable auto_path. Auto_path is a list of directories. Append to auto_path the name of the directory where pkgIndex.tcl, and txrx.tcl are located. For example, if TxRx is located in /usr/shareware/txrx1.0 you may want to add the following lines to a Tcl script that would like to use TxRx: lappend auto_path /usr/shareware/txrx1.0 package require txrx ...and use it later, e.g. set p [txrxCreate @/usr/shareware/tmp/txrx1.0/protocols/portmap.x] # Get a list of all RPC programs on your host (won't work on PCs). txrxCall $p localhost PMAPPROC_DUMP # Check if a host supports the portmapper protocol: # Get a list of all RPC programs registered on the remote host. txrxCall $p PMAPPROC_DUMP # Create another protocol (this time for a crude example of 'df' under # UNIX). txrxCreate m @...protocols/mount.x # Get a list of all Mounted directories on your favorite server. txrxCall $m binserv1 MOUNTPROC_DUMP # Cleanup things. Remember that connections are kept open for every # host for which a call is made! txrxDelete $p txrxDelete $m