Welcome to Zipper! 1.0 Get the MOST CURRENT version from my website: http://users.vnet.net/ashman/zipper Intro and Errata. This software is COPYRIGHT 1998 Ashley R. Bowers. It is not Public Domain, but you can use it freely, and give it away, as long as you preserve the entire archive as is AND you do not distribute any changes that you might make. However, changes may be distributed as separate files, as long as no changes are made to the base code (note...personal.tcl and the rc files are acceptable...no others). Zipper is a IRC client written in TCL/TK. Zipper was started by me as project to help me learn TCL/Tk and also because i wanted an IRC client for X-windows that worked the way I wanted it too. It is not intended to compete with the existing clients, but rather as an alternative. Zipper currently is now has quite a bit functionality and is very usable as an IRC client. There are still bugs present, but as a whole the client is very stable. There are NO warranties either expressed or implied! Anyone that would like to tackle some of the bugs that you may encounter, feel free to do so, but please email me with the fix so that it can be incorporated into the distribution. Full credit for working fixes and useful additions that are added to the archive will be given. Installation It is important to note that Zipper! is now only support on TCL/Tk 8.0p2 and greater. Installing Zipper! is a simple matter. Download the most current version of the software (currently all version are named zipper-1.0X.tar.gz). Untar the archive (using tar -tzf zippera1.tgz or something similar) into an appropriate place. Next either cd into the new directory or add it to your path. Run the installrc program. Then run the zippersetup program. Finally, type zipper. Zipper! Ok, you are probably asking by now what Zipper! stands for. Well to answer that question in one word: Nothing. I needed a name, a cute catchy name, and Zipper! stuck in my head. It seems like there are tons of other IRC clients that want to be cute and have "irc" somewhere in there name. Well not so here!! :) Zipper uses a simple point click and type interface. It functions in a similar fashion the windows clients mIRC and Pirch. Currently only single server connections are supported, although it is possible to clone multiple client processes. Zipper has working notify, ignore, events, ctcps, user lists, dcc chat, dcc send and receive, and a variety of useful irc commands (see customrc for currently supported commands). The standard ircII slash ("/") command syntax is/will be supported. Coming soon BETTER HELP :) I will be adding more server message support and more IRCII commands. More stuff as i think of it Bug Fixes. Current Features Please see the file FEATURES for this information. End Stuff Well, i know this program is not as good as it could be and has a number of annoying problems which will hopefully be fixed. But use it and enjoy it if you can, and let me know if you like it, or what might make it better, or if there is just something you really don't like about it. I want honest criticism, both good and bad, but please don't flame the program. Send those to alt.flame, or /dev/null. Thanks a Bunch! Ash Bowers wolfie@vnet.net