This is the largest collection of super-sized fractal images ever produced. This unique collection is a rare opportunity for the lovers and collectors of computer-generated art! Lee Skinner, the author and editor of Fractal Frenzy I and II, created sixty-five 6400 x 4800 pixel GIF 87a images for this collection. One image took over 217 hours to generate on a 486DX4 100mhz computer. WeÕve made it easy to preview the fractals by including a low-resolution 800 x 600 pixel version of each image. You also get a full-color brochure with each fractal clearly displayed. Every full-size image contains 30,720,000 pixels Ð just imagine the dramatic beauty this level of detail ensures! You get the images royalty-free, but if you use them for commercial gain, you must credit Lee H. Skinner on your product. You may use these images for printing ultra high- resolution quality fractals in brochures, books or posters.