The Telecom CDROM has 34,728 files of articles and messages about Telecommunications. You'll learn about the Telecommunications industry and you'll learn about Telecom technology. The information covers other people's experiences with your long distance carrier to articles about hacking and phreaking groups, such as the Legion of doom. These are the real e-mail messages from real people all across the Internet. You'll browse back issues of the "Telecom Digest", from 1981 to the end of 1995. Search multiple ways or browse through the documents with our easy to use view program for MSDOS and MS Windows. There are articles about: ¥ New cell phones in the US and around the world ¥ UNIX, the Internet, and telephony ¥ Telephony in the Caribbean ¥ The Department of Defense Autovon System ¥ The History of Telephones and Telecommunications ¥ Telecommunications security ¥ Privacy and the burgeoning computer networks You'll reference: ¥ Information on Long Distance Carriers ¥ Lists of country codes and information about them ¥ Glossaries of Acronyms ¥ Technical specs ¥ Telecommunications bills The CDROM is in Rock Ridge format, as maintained on the Internet. It's also easily accessible under MSDOS and MS Windows with our friendly view program.