KODAK INTRODUCES FIRST COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIP OF KODAK PICTURE EXCHANGE New Kodak Image Storage and Transmission Business Establishes First Commercial Relationship NEW YORK, Aug. 25__Applied Graphics Technologies (AGT), one of the leaders in the graphic arts and prepress industry, will work with Kodak to market a new over-the-phone image-leasing business. AGT will invite its clients in the magazine, commercial publishing, and advertising markets to participate in the creation of an extensive news and illustrative image collection that will be maintained by AGT. These pictures will then be marketed by Kodak over the newly announced Kodak Picture Exchange image transmission system. "AGT's business clients' photographs are scanned by AGT as part of its full-service package and represent some of the highest-impact and most newsworthy images available," said Stephen S. Stepnes, general manager and vice president of CD Imaging at Kodak. "By using Kodak's Photo CD and Picture Exchange technologies, AGT will help create new revenues for its magazine and advertising agency clients by mid-1993." Creative Marketing Effort to Be Employed As AGT begins to capture and index collections of images for its clients, Kodak has agreed to market them through its Kodak Picture Exchange service. AGT will initiate the process by inviting its 200-plus publishing clients to participate. Today, AGT's clients' images are rarely used again following publication. - 2 - With the advent of the Kodak Picture Exchange system and AGT's image collection, these images can have value to AGT's current clients and new image users. Some of AGT's clients include Business Week, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Glamour, and Vogue, as well as many of the major advertising agencies. "Today we are providing a broad range of pre-press services with revenues of $150 million annually and managing thousands of images every week for many of the country's leading publishers and advertisers," said Fred Drasner, chairman and chief executive officer of AGT. "We are working closely with Kodak to develop a service that will allow our publishing and advertising clients to add a new dimension to their global marketing efforts by offering their images through the Kodak Picture Exchange worldwide." AGT will transfer these images to the Kodak Photo CD format and store them with an index that is consistent with the new Kodak Shoebox search and retrieval software and Kodak Professional Photo CD Image Library systems. These images will then be made available for lease to potential image user clients. AGT's publication and advertising clients can also lease images from other sources on the Kodak Picture Exchange. The Kodak Picture Exchange represents Kodak's vision for a global imaging services network, similar to text and data networks. Kodak Picture Exchange will link the distributors of images, such as photo stock houses, with the customers they serve, including advertising agencies and publishers. Optimistic about Prospects for Future Growth Kodak and AGT believe that the business growth potential for the Kodak Picture Exchange is considerable. "High-impact photography is being sought by picture-users worldwide for news, education, entertainment, and advertising," said Stepnes. "Kodak's leadership in image technology, and AGT's color imaging expertise and breadth of clients suggest that this relaltionship will result in image services with far-reaching benefits." #### [Note: Kodak and Shoebox are trademarks.]