SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWO: FEBRUARY 1998* *************************************** _______ __ __ _ __ / ___/ / / / / / \ / / / /__ / / / / / \ \ / / / ____/ / /__/ / / / \ / / /__/ /______/ /_/ \_/ ******************************* By -=The Firestarter=- With help from Gizmo Gremlin (The school aresonist) Fun is getting harder and harder to cause without breaking the law. So with a minimal amount of equipment that can be easily purchased, you can have some great laughs. First off you will need some simple stuff: Name: Where aquired: Cost: Used for: Potassium permanganate Chemist 69-89p Disinfectant Sugar Food store 20-59p Cooking Non-safety matches Corner shop 8-17p Starting fires Fire lighters Corner shop 40-100p BBQ`s Lighter fluid Corner shop £1.00 Zippo`s Meths Hardware store £1-2.00 Cleaning Super glue Model shop 79-100p Model making Rocket engines Model shop £5.00 Model rockets Marshmallows Food store 1p Eating Ok so thats all your going to need to cause havoc and carry out some pretty cool sabotarge. Heres some basic info on the stuff in the list Pottasium permanganate is an oxydiser, this will make things burn hotter and more fiercely. Sugar, once ignited burns hot. Non-safety matches give off a lot of smoke when lit. Fire lighters burn for a long time. Lighter fluid can be made to explode Meths is good fun. Super glue, will jam up and mechanism. Rocket engines fly. Marshmallows melt and set. Now here are a few sugestions: First of all break off a ton of match heads and put them into one match box, now mix in some pottasium permanganate, now take this into a public toilet and light it, if the toilet has windows glue them shut an hour before. (This was done at my school, unfortunatly the windows where not glued shut, so we learnt by our mistakes, the corridor stunk for hours). Send a rocket engine flying down a street. Light about three fire lighters and put the can of lighter fluid (still closed) on top of them. Cram a marshmallow into a lock and melt it with a lighter. (Another school one) Set fire to cleaners mops. Mix Pottasium permanganate, sugar and meths together, put it on the ground, light it, it will not go out, if it does it will re-ignite soon. If you want to, then when it's burning really good give it a boot and send it everywhere. Glue doors and windows shut. (Yet another school one) Wrap two boxes of matches in paper, then get a birthday candel, break off all but a centimeter of wax, insert this into the paper, light the candel and just walk away. (Best done in toilets away from flamable stuff). Put super glue all over the back of a post-it note and stick it to a wall, when the glue has set write a message on it (No one will be able to remove it).