SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWO: FEBRUARY 1998* *************************************** _______ ______________ / / |10p | Coins | | / | | |__| | | / |_____|_______| | | | 1 2 3| | | | | 4 5 6| |\/| | | | | 7 8 9| | | | | \ | # 0 *| | | \ |______|______| \_____\ | || | \|___________________| Blasters phreak to Premium insurance. Typed up by -=The Firestarter=- Done by Blaster One day in the summer of 1997, Myself, Blaster and Shadow are all walking back from the camp site, only 20 mins after Gary the bus driver insults Blaster for running after the bus (more on that later), Blaster says that he could phreak out "Insult line" as we call it, (Guess why), by trying to insure his penis so off we head to the red phone box. Once there I hand Blaster my dictorphone and go to sit in the bus shelter with Shadow, a few minutes later blaster returns with the dictorphone and says that the woman hung up on him when he mentioned his penis, so he phoned back, we listened to the cassette and this is what it said: Recorded voice: Your call will be answerd as soon as an adviser becomes avalible to answer your call Music --> Recorded voice: Thank you for waiting please remain on the line, your call will be answered as soon as someone becomes avalible Music --> Op (Male): Hello, How can I help you Blaster: Err yes I was wondering do you insure body parts odd as that Question may seem. Op: Say agin, sorry? Blaster: do you insure body parts odd as that question may seem. Op: What are you trying to Fuc..looking to insure? Blaster: Well it's strange reason really, I'm a guitarist right. Op: Yep. Blaster: And, well erm, this is going to sound silly but I really want to insure my hands. Op: Right ok then, hang on a second then sir. Blaster (When the op can't hear him) : because I wank too much, because I wank too much!! --Wait-- Blaster: Because I wank too much, because I wank too much --Wait-- Op (Now back): Hello sir. Blaster: Hello, yes. Op: The company you'll probably need to ring is Norwich Union Blaster: Right. Op: Erm, they'll probably have what you want Blaster: Right. I'd also like to insure my new car Op: Right, when are you picking the car up. Blaster: Oh, couple a days. Op: Ok .. (Blaster cuts in) Blaster: It's a custom made car .. Op: arr Blaster: It's, it's shaped kinda oddly, it's shaped like a penis Op: Oh right is it. Blaster: Yes Op: Ok if you hang on a second. --Wait-- Blaster to the tape: Stupid one in it --Wait-- Op: How much you paying for it then? Blaster: Oh arr, £5,000, it's really old Op: Ok if you hang on a second then. "The Op types stuff into his computer" --Wait-- Op: Err, what area you living in. Blaster: I live in the erm Norwich area of England. "Op types stuff into his computer" Op: Then it'll have to be Norwich union. Blaster: Well, thank you very much, and what loverly music you had on there. Op: Sorry sir? Blaster: While I was on hold, loverly music. Op: Thank you very much. Blaster: I usully listen to Iron Maidan myself but that really hits the button. Op: Oh does it! Blaster: Thanks a lot, bye. --Hang up-- Excuse the bad english, I just typed what was on the tape, it isn't my english it's the Oparator, he can't talk properly, and just think of Blaster doing this in an Irish accent (He never phreaks in a Scottish accent), the call lasted about 3 minutes 1 of which Blaster was on hold. Well more to come as we record them. In case any of you din't notice: When Blaster asked if they insured body parts, the Op most likely engaged a trace (Like we care), that is why he asked where Blaster was living, Like he's going to say South West Scotland we ain't dumb. We reckon they said to call Norwich union because, Premium insurance gets about 30 Phreaks an hour (So one of them said) and they just wanted Norwich union to have a few, who knows?