SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FIVE: MAY 1998* *********************************** ________________________ | SODIUM CHLORATE | \ WEEDKILLER / \________STUFF_______/ Typed by: -=The Firestarter=- Reseach: Shadow, Crisp, -=The Firestarter=- -=Buying sodium chlorate weed killer=- Well this stuff can be easy to get, you can buy it from most garden centers, it comes in 500g, 1Kg and 5Kg tubs. Prices range from £1.90 to £15. It should have at least 50% sodium chlorate although this can be increased (see file 3). Like I said in the last issue you can't normally buy this stuff unless your 18, in order to piss on this law, we at SWAT send in Crisp (because he's the youngest member) to buy it. Try to think of good excuses if they ask why you want it, don't say "So I can make plastic explosives", try "My mum has just got an allotment and it needs weeding" this should work because this is a powerful weed killer. Also if you are going to make a lot of explosives you might like to think about buying a large tub instead of lots of little tubs, remeber that they may get suspisous if the same person comes in to buy weed killer for the fourth time that month. If you are only buying small amounts then go to diffent shops each time. -=Separation techniques=- Sodium chlorate is a salt, I don't know what the fire depressent is, I might be a salt too I don't know, but that's not the point, the point is that they both have different crystal formations, so we are going to use fractional crystalization, this works on the princible that big crystals grow bigger at the cost of the small crystals, (follow so far) Righ what you need is: Two large jars 1 Pencil Some Cotton thread Kettle. OK first off put the ketton on to boil, one it's done that pour the water into the first jar and add some weed killer, keep on adding it and stiring it, until there is a small amount left undissolved, now pour the contents of this jar into the second jar and leave it to cool, Large crystals should form, scoop out the biggest one and tie some thread around it, attach the other end to the pencil. Heat the water in jar 2 and stir it so that the crystals dissolve, now once this starts to cool suspend the large crystal in the solution. Repeat this process until you have a huge crysal with loads of medium sized crystals. They should look different shapes (the chlorate and depressent) find out which is which, by making a small amount of explosive and lighing it. Collect up all of the sodium chlorate and crush it until it is very fine, like talcum powder. The apparatus should look like this once they are set up: <============ | | | |~~~~|~~~~| | | | | *** | | | | | |_________| <=== Pencil * Crystal | String ~ Solution level |_| Jar -=Detanators=- A simple yet affective detanateor can be made from a fat antenna arial or a thin copper tube. Materials: Sodium chlorate Magnesium powder (grind up a magnesium block) Antenna Epoxy resin Fuse or solar igniter 1) Mix the magnisum powder with the sodium chlorate at a ratio of 1:1 This will make flash powder. 2) Put a small ammount of epoxy resin in the end of the antenna. 3) If you are using a normal fuse then drill a small hole in the side If you are using a solar igniter then insulate the wire and add a wire extension to it. 4) Fill the tube half full of flash powder and insert the fuse or igniter (put the igniter into the tpo), fill it up with more flash powder. 5) Epoxy the other end. It should look like this: |###| |###| |@@@| |@@@| |@@@| |----------- |@@@| |@@@| |@@@| |###| |###| That is if you are using a normal fuse. ### = Epoxy resin @@@ = Flash powder --- = Fuse -=Plastic explosives=- SWATeam Type 1: This is simple and effective with a detanation of about 2500 m/s. You will need: Sodium chlorate Vaseline Put 10g in a plastic bag and add 90g of sodium chlorate, mix them well. Set it off with a detanator. *********************************************************************** SWATeam type 2: Petrol Polystyrene Sodium chlorate Motor oil Put the polystyrene in the petrol (to make napalm) and add the oil, (like the anarchists cookbook file C4.txt) now mix in the sodium chlorate, set it off with a detanator. Ratio: 1:1:5:0.5 *********************************************************************** SWATeam type 3: Lecithin Mineral oil Sodium chlorate Magnisium or aluminium powder. Put all of the ingreidents in a plastic bag and mix. Ratio: 0.5:10:20:20 *********************************************************************** SWATeam type 4: Sodium chlorate Diesal Mix 96% sodium chlorate with 4% Diesal, mix them well and set it off with a detanator. *********************************************************************** -=Sodium chlorate incendiary powder=- This is a very basic incendiary powder that I have mentioned before, just to re-cap it's 1 part sugar with 1 part sodium chlorate. If it explodes (like if it's inside a pipe) then it will not burn but if it's left in the open it will burn for ages. -=Basic pipe bomb detanation=- This nearly blew me up so don't fuck around with it. Materials: 1 empty bean tin Sodium chlorate incendiary powder Large Pipe (1) Fill the pipe with the incendiary powder and close up both ends. (2) Put a load of the incendiary powder into the bean tin. (3) Put the pipe into the bean tin. (4) Light it and run like fuck, you should have about 5 seconds to run. I recommend a good steel pipe for this because it takes longer to heat up, unlike the copper one that I used. When this explodes it will give off a lot of smoke and flames, as well as shrapnel. I recommend that you use these in places like phone boxes or an enemies car.