SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE FIVE: MAY 1998* *********************************** Phun with a fax machine Ok we all have PC don't we? well if you dont that doesnt matter because one of those naff old spectrums or Amstrads will do as well. Basicaly for this all you need is a guitar tuner, a computer capable of programing in basic or something similar and the fax number of some government agency (I will publish these later). What to do is get your phone (which has to be touch tone) and put your guitar tuner up to it and push the buttons and see what each tone represents in terms of musical notes on the tuner and take a note of these. Then go to your computer go into basic and type in play and type in the notes,tape record them, take the tape up to your phone, dial the fax number and play the tape severel times and each time you try this use different configurations of notes to see what gives you best results. Experiment and have Phun........... Brakis 98........................