_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTEEN: JANUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / .Scamming Hotmail Passwords. \ / By Cyborg \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You want to know someone's Hotmail password. You'd try social engineering but you don't get out much. It's time to put your HTML knowledge to use. First go to http://www.hotmail.com and save it as a .htm file plus save all the pictures on it as well. Now you have on your computer what looks like the Hotmail home page. Now search the world wide web until you find one those submit forms. These are web pages that require you fill in the text boxes and pressing the submit button will e-mail the text to the preset address. Now open up these pages in Notepad and edit the HTML. Just take the code from the form and stick it in the Hotmail form so that pressing the login button will e-mail the text from the Username and Password boxes to your address. Now rename the resulting page as http://www.hotmail.com.htm then upload it to your web page and put Hotmail in your links page. Now when someone follows this link they think that they will be going to http://www.hotmail.com when they are really going to the local .htm page of the same name. They will enter their Username and Password and that in turn will be e-mailed to you. Of course if someone found this out you would be fucked so apply for the web space under a false name and address, ditto for the e-mail address you register it to. If you are interested in hacking, phreaking, programming or pirating then e-mail me or visit my web page. zengus@yahoo.com http://cyborg.justice.freeservers.com