_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / 10 small ways to piss people off. \ / by BADD0G \ Copyright © 99 by BADD0G. \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- __ BBB AA DDD DDD 00 GGG __/o \_ B B AAAA D D D D 0 00 G \____ \ BBB A A D D D D 0000 G GG / \ B B AAAA D D D D 00 0 G G __ //\ \ BBB A A DDD DDD 00 GG __/o \-//--\ \_/ \____ ___ \ | The higher a monkey climbs the more of || \ |\ | its ARSE you see !! _|| _||_|| BBD0g / BADDOG I don't give a shit bbd0g@bbd0g.ndo.co.uk #C.i.A #cc #carding #crackz #cracking4newbies http://bbd0g.cjb.net (shit as virtualave reject my filez) badd0g.com coming soon when I get a valid cc# with a £250 limit left on it. here we go ... A cup off coffee and fatboy mp3'z 1. Cigarettes. Take 1 candle and melt it down. Dip one cigarrette and get as much wax as possible on the baki inside. allow to dry and scrape as much wax as possible off the outside. GET NO WAX ON THE BUTT IT IS AN INSTANT GIVE AWAY!! this pisses them off because as they light it the wax melts and the cigarette will burn totally in about 30 secs if done properly. RIZLA IS SO MUCH EASIER TO DISGUISE 2. screw on bottle tops. with the invention of screw on bottle tops us anarchists can now easily unscrew the the tops and drink the contents and then releave ourselves and disquise it until the person takes a swig. How many of us smell the beer. Or you can unscrew drink a bit rescrew and move on to the next bottle. 10 crates to get a bit dizzy but hey not duty free limit now. 3. Showing turtle. The worst thing you can do is take a dump and miss the toilet and land it on the seat. Offcourse roll the turd in to the water but leave the hurshey swill on the seat and forget to flush very good at night or at parties. when people put the hands down to spue or come in the dark and sit down. 4. Drugs. add a bit of lavender to your mates waki baki so that they smell like a poof when they're puffing. Or curry powder they will choke to death and everyone will think they can't handle it and they can't speak for weeks. Some fuckers roll the roach so tight that the powder don't come through but it works on most people. 5. Drunk as Fuck. When _0NE_ of your mates are fast a sleep pull down the trousers and then reveal the butt hole. take a pencil and roll a condom down on the pencil. *note add 1 part flower to 3 parts water for extra effect*. Insert up the arse and then leave his fly undone and belt un buckled. You will soon lose a friend. They will be very very quiet. 6. Drunk but still standing. Play this cool game. in the park get two sheets of toilet roll and roll them up nice and tight. in set 2 cm up the arse and have the rest hanging out. set fire to the paper and the winner is the person who runs the furthest before pulling out the burning paper. They will be so drunk that the arse hair flares up this smells very bad and hurts. 7. Cum tissues. Find out when the rubbish collection is at your mates house. and if possible when the mum collects the rubbish to be put out. 1 part flour to 3 parts water. dipp lots of tissues in to the mixture and then screw up and allow to dry. put in your mates bin. The mum may say nothing but my mates mum gave him a little chat which made him very embarrassed and pissed off. 8. Playboy. Go to the playboy website and get a little logo of the bunny. Then take an envelope with the window init print the bunny on the outside and the first class frank mark. ||||||||||||| 1111 11 11 1111 postage paid |||||||||||| On the inside type his name address blah blah. Then onb the first line say Dear Mr blah blah, thankyou for your subscription to play boy. and then other shit like membership benefits. window envelopes never work and you can alwats see the first line make sure his parents can. 9. PE . we all love PE especially those cool vests they make us wear. dye your one pink and wrap a pair of red old peoples nickers . before PE swap your vest and his over when he pulls it out of his bag everyone will laugh and call him a poof. This next article is bad unless they really i mean really screwwed you over don't try but knowledge is power.. A MORE CLEAR AND MUCH MORE `IN DEPTH VERSION ON SCHOOL NETWORK HACKING WILL BE OUT SOON MAYBE! 10. If you have any friends left try this one. This could get them expelled arrested but is very cool. School network hacking. go to swateam and get a key logger. install it on the c:\ and set the log directory in dos to c:\>md temp directory is c:\ this is a hidden directory 16 bit only. you can have as many files in the directory hidden. win95 on 32 bit will show. 92% of school networks still are. add the command line to the autoexec.bat. Don't have access to dos. in word create a bat file c:\windows\command.exe save and run. *b00m* dos. basically now you get all the logins and passwords for that computer. Get the superviser to log on and fix a bug very usefull. if you have any asian or black head of years or headteachers. visit kkkk.com and combat18.com. the cookies will be saved in that persons name. the superviser tends to check where people are going. visit porn like animalsex 4x is very illegal and carries 10 years in jail. add a background picture of porn or a kkk member. put in sound when the computer loads in their area. put back orifice files in their area and other hack toolz. this will make the admin think they know what they're doing shortcuts to contol panel policy editor and other net admin stuff.. sooner or later they will be caught and punished. you can sit back and relax. * do not logoff a borrowed account and then into your own on the same computer. this shows on server logs. have nothing in your area but school stuff. visit happypuppy.com and dawsonscreek.com that way they wont suspect you of being a hacker. have fun but just think before you do I had a kid who I didn't like expelled for racism 1 month before the GCSE's. he was a dick but he didn't really deserve it. he did nothing wrong but annoy scoot on his mobile 0800 192 192. b a d d 0 g comments questions new examples bbd0g@bbd0g.ndo.co.uk