_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Pay and Go VMBs \ / By -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again British Telescum have presented us with a new system to abuse the hell out of. First off is there pay and go fones that allow you to call one UK land line for free (you can change the number each time you top up), which seems a little amusing, BT giving us free calls to our best friend. They must be looseing out to phreakers in order to go to such levels of despiration. But anyway, time for me to rant on about there Voice Mail system and how to abuse it for whatever reason you may have! First off you'll need to call up the BT cellnet fone, after a few rings it'll say some bullshit about "welcome to the BT message center" or something similar, this is where you hit * (star) and you'll be prompted for a pin, this is where BT's 'leet security gets compromised, you just enter 8705, now as long as the pin hasn't been changed then you'll get in, ok once the pin has been entered, hit 2 pause and then hit 2 again!. If the pin has been changed, just give the good old CellNet people a ring and bullshit them by saying that you bought your fone off a mate (second hand) and he didn't tell you the pin number for the VMB (remember: you can't check your messages because the VMB is FULLY locked, therefor you need a pin number to check it) and the one in the manual doesn't work (because he changed it). The number for the Customer care is 0990 214 000. Anyway once you've got into the VMB you can hear all of the messages as well as mess about with all of the options, these are: Call back tutorials: Key in: Result: 1 To access help menu and hear other options 1 then 1 then 6 To hear PIN code tutorial 1 then 1 then 7 To hear personal greeting tutorial * To exit tutorials at any time and hear "your" messages Message handling options: Key in: Result: 2 To replay a message 3 then 3 To delete a message 6 To skip to the next message 8 To hear the date, time, caller details of a message Recording a personal greeting: Key in: Result: # then 7 You get to have "I'm too busy ragging a small boy to be bothered to listen to your bullshit" instead of the standard greeting. And there we have it, you can now 0wn your friends/random cellnet fone owner's VMB. Incase any of you out there are wondering where i got this cool guide to hacking CellNet VMB's, it's in the Pay and Go user guide. Ironic really don't you think?