_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / NT SERVER INFORMATION \ / By Netw0rk Bug bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE NT SERVER INFORMATION I thought that an articles on various NT servers would make a good read. I have done little research into these and have just gave basic concepts. I also found an article in a magazine relating to this which helped. Any questions on anything? then don't hesitate to mail me. EXCHANGE SERVER This turns a Windows NT server into a messaging server able to handle functions such as e-mail, news, groupware applications and of course chat. INTERNET INFORMATION SERVER Or IIS as it is commonly referred to. If an NT server is running this it can become a WEB and /or FTP server. Also Gopher but this is very uncommon these days. It comes with a number of subsidiary server extensions, such as Index Server which enables users to perform text searches on your webpage. IIS Also comes as standard with WIN2K, yea thats Windows 2000 for those who are wondering what the hell WIN2k is. TRANSACTION SERVER This enables NT to support distributed applications - ones where the components of a software system are located on different machines and rely on the netw0rk for communication. These appplications can be confined to a local Netw0rk, an intranet or can even operate over the Internet. Transaction server automatically handles transactions over a distributed computing environment which would otherwise involove the developer in messy and time consuming programming. Comes as standard with WIN2K. MESSAGE QUEUE SERVER Another server aimed at the development of distributed applications. When an aplication calls upon the services of a software component elswhere on the netw0rk, normally it sets up a direct channel of communication which is held open for as lond as the exchange of information is necessary. Message Queue Server acts as an intermediary. The calling applicaton sends a message which is stored on the server until the remote component can take delivery. The answer is passed back the same way. In the meantime, the calling aplication can get on with other things. Mssage Queue Server may be used in conjunction with Transaction Server. PROXY SERVER This Enables an NT server to act as a gateway between a Local Area Netw0rk and the internet. It can block incoming connections if desired which helps to make your LAN more secure from hackers and you can also stop LAN users from accessing parts of the web. Proxy server can also cache Web Pages therefor reducing amount of traffic over an Internet connection and impproving access times for example. SITE SERVER This comprises of a set of tools used to build comercially usefull website once you have your server running. there are two versions. The basic Site Server provides site management tools for publishing web pages, and searching for and analysing information. The Commerce Edition adds features to build an On-line store, faciliting advertising and order capture. SNA SERVER SNA stands for Systems Netw0rk Architecture, a set of protocols devised by IBM. If you want to give machines on your Netw0rk (Windoze) access to an IBM mainframe or AS/400, SNA server is the thing to install.. SNA server enables an NT server to act as a gateway between a LAN using a protocol such as TCP/IP or IPX, ans an SNA Netw0rk. It is then possible to open terminal sessions on to the mainframe, access databases, and so on. SQL SERVER Structured Query Language is a way of managing a database. You fire off commands written in SQL - typr them in directly, or get a graphical front end to construct SQL commands based on your actions - and a server at the other end of the network link, So basically SQL server is a database management system. SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT SERVER A bundle of management utilities such as hardware and software inventories, Software deployment tools to install applications onto other computers and remote control for trouble shooting. INDEX SERVER Builds an index server of your web server that can easily be searched from a browser. In WIN2K Server, it also indexes the filesystem, making finding files faster by searching on textual content. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Written By Netw0rk Bug for SWATEAM www.swateam.org JULY'99 If you have any questions or comments then don't hesitate to mail me at " bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk " I would like to hear from anyone, no matter what they have to say. ----------------------------------------------------------------------