_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Us & them \ / By A Byss \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As people we have been denied our fundamental rights, the right to live our life the way we want to live it. The right to think and feel and behave any which way we want. When it boils down to it there are us who are the many and them who are the few. If there is anything I have learned in living on the earth is that money doesn't make the world go round its bullishit, bulshit is the fuel and we gobble it up like mindless cretins. There is a system of which every human being is forced to comply to of course this system is hidden from your average Joe bloggs walking down the street, they give him cable TV, 2 weeks Spain and lots of other benefits to help him forget. Every desire, thought or action is controlled by them through the television, radio, newspapers etc. They are reluctant to introduce any form of communication technology which cannot be controlled regulated and documented until what is left is a labyrinth of grey corridors leading to rooms which all look alike. And then theirs the Internet, created by Us for Us they hate it. Who are they? Look around you there in your TV they approved the rigorous standards at which you microwave was build they are (almost) everywhere.