_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY: AUGUST 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / NSA DIRECTORATES AND GROUPS \ / By Netw0rk Bug bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk \ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yea as promised more juicy NSA information. Unlike other intelligence organizations such as CIA or DIA, NSA is particularly reticent concerning its internal organizational structure. The National Security Agency is organized into five Directorates, each of which consists of several groups or elements. The Operations Directorate is responsible for SIGINT collection and processing. T he Technology and Systems Directorate develops new technologies for SIGINT collection and processing. The Information Systems Security Directorate is responsible for NSA's communications and information security missions. The Pl ans, Policy and Programs Directorate provides staff support and general direction for the Agency, while the Support Services Directorate provides logistical and administrative support activities. A Group - Former Soviet Bloc This Group performs worldwide SIGINT operations at fixed sites and with assigned and attached mobile assets to collect against targets in the Former Soviet Bloc. It maintains liaison with service CSS components on SIGINT operations of direct interest to t his area of responsibility, under the SIGINT OPCON of the DIRNSA or the Chief, Central Security Service (CHCSS).(The current designation of this Group is uncertain) B Group - Asia This Group performs worldwide SIGINT operations at fixed sites and with assigned and attached mobile assets to collect against targets, including China, North Korea, and Vietnam. It maintains liaison with service CSS components on SIGINT operations of dir ect interest to this area of responsibility, under the SIGINT OPCON of the DIRNSA or the Chief, Central Security Service (CHCSS).(The current designation of this Group is uncertain) C Group - Policy & Resources (??) This Group establishes immediate, short and long range policy and resource requirements for Information Security activities to satisfy current and future requirements. It identifies needs, criteria development, and program development of projects for oper ation and maintenance of current assets and acquisition or construction of new facilities. D Group - Director The Director of the NSA directs and controls the National Security Agency (NSA) in the accomplishment of assigned missions, programs, plans, and projects. This Group serves as the NSA focus for DIRNSA Central Security Service (CSS) activities, and for the US Signals Intelligence Directive System. The Group also represents NSA on other SIGINT community coordinating committees, such as the DCI Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Committee, SIGINT Requirements Validation and Evaluation Subcommittee (SIRVES) and SO RS. E Group - Contract Support (?) This Group provides acquisition and management services and support to other NSA program offices in the development of technical and nontechnical support facility requirements and concepts. It develops facility acquisition strategies, plans, master schedu les, cost estimates, and management plans. It provides engineering management services, plans for maintenance and operation of facilities, and coordinates with host nations or commands. The Group acts as principal staff advisor and assistant to the Direct or, NSA, in the development and application of NSA contracting policy, plans, programs, and systems as related to contracting of supplies and services; production management; industrial preparedness planning; DAR; FAR; and contracting reporting; DoD Coord inated Acquisition Program; market research and analysis; DoD Procurement Management Review (PMR) Program; NSA field contracting activities; ADP/T contracting; Pricing and Competition, and management improvement initiatives; and exercises staff program di rection over assigned programs. (The identity of this Group is tentative) F Group (No Group with this designation has been identified) G Group - Operations (?) / All Others (?) This Group performs worldwide SIGINT operations at fixed sites and with assigned and attached mobile assets to collect against targets areas not covered by A and B Groups. It maintains liaison with service CSS components on SIGINT operations of direct int erest to this area of responsibility, under the SIGINT OPCON of the DIRNSA or the Chief, Central Security Service (CHCSS).(The current designation of this Group is uncertain) H Group (No Group with this designation has been identified) I Group - Information Security Programs This Group develops, establishes, and administers comprehensive programs for information security, classification management, security education and motivation, and industrial and personnel security. It represents NSA on the Security Career Program Policy Council. J Group - Legislative Affairs Acts as the principal staff advisor and assistant to the Director, NSA, and other staff elements on all NSA matters with respect to Legislative Affairs. K Group - Operations Research (?) This Group directs NSA Cryptologic research activities to provide theoretical and other support for all US Communications Security (COMSEC) and SIGINT activities. (The identity of this Group is tentative) L Group - Logistics Serves as the principal focus for on matters relating to the implementation of the NSA logistics support activities, including support by the Defense ourier Service. M Group - Administration Acts as the principal staff advisor and assistant to the Director, NSA, and other staff elements on all NSA matters, exclusive of equipment (ADP and non-ADP) and software, with respect to printing and publications; library; postal and mail; travel; audiov isual facilities, productions and exhibits; records, forms, and correspondence; committee management; authentication of publications, directives, and communications. N Group - Programs This Group determines, in conjunction with the entire NSA staff, immediate, short and long range planning requirements for facility development to satisfy current and future mission requirements. It identifies facility need, facility criteria development, and program development of projects for operation and maintenance of current assets and acquisition or construction of new facilities. O Group (No Group with this designation has been identified) P Group - Production This Group is NSA's principal element for the production of finished SIGINT (ELINT and COMINT) products in support of other consumers in the intelligence community. The Group provides signals intelligence research, retrieval and dissemination services for NSA programs, associated contractors and other government agencies and contractors. It maintains manual and automated classified data bases to facilitate the acquisition, storage and dissemination of signals intelligence information. The Group identifies and establishes NSA requirements for SIGINT production based on consumers' present and future needs. It serves as the focal point for intelligence documentation support and processing and dissemination requests through national automated intelligence dat a bases. Q Group - Plans & Policy This Group acts as the principal staff advisor and assistant to the Director, NSA, and other staff elements on the initiation, development, integration, coordination, and monitoring of NSA policy, plans, programs, and projects and is responsible for overs ight of designated NSA/CSS programs; mission and organization control; command control and contingency planning; NSA studies and projects, operations research and. economic analysis; NSA strategic planning and personnel authorizations and position managem ent. R Group - Research & Engineering This Group transforms SIGINT collection requirements into system performance parameters, requirements, and system configurations. It establishes and maintains system performance specifications and supports the configuration controls. The Group develops an d monitors internal and external interface requirements, defines test and target requirements and provides cost, schedule, produceability, manufacturing, basing, logistics, and other support necessary for SIGINT collection system development and deploymen t. The Group serves as a center for research and development on signals intelligence technologies, and provides for evaluation of algorithms, data bases, and display concepts in signal processing. The Group maintains facilities for research and developmen t on audio and speech signal processing, the supports test and evaluation of speech processing technology to intelligence related problems. S Group - Standards & Evaluation This Group develops, establishes, and evaluates implementation of comprehensive standards for information security, classification management, security education and motivation, and industrial and personnel security. The Group provides staff supervision a nd guidance for industrial security program, performs industrial security functions of review and approval, serves on contract requirements and technical review boards, and performs industrial security inspections of classified contractor activities. It i s the primary COMSEC community focus for development and certification of COMSEC equipment and procedures. T Group - Telecommunications This Groups manages all government and contractor activities associated with the design, development, production and operation of Special Intelligence Communications (SPINTCOM) networks and systems for the transmission of SIGINT data and products. U Group - General Counsel Provides legal advice and services to the Director and the Heads of NSA staff elements on matters involving or affecting NSA, exercises supervisory and professional control over personnel providing legal services in NSA, provides liaison with other agenci es on legal issues relating to NSA, and manages assigned programs. V Group - Network Security (?) This Group develops, establishes, and administers comprehensive programs for communications network security and related industrial security. (The identity of this Group is tentative) W Group - Space This Group implements operational control of space-based sensors. It documents, maintains, and implements operational requirements, monitors capabilities, and coordinates activities for sensors. Provides resource management for collection, transmission an d processing of SIGINT derived from space-based sensors. The Group monitors and performs analysis on sensor operations, system capabilities, and performance. It manages technical service support (TSS) contracts to ensure operational support for ground sta tions. Interfaces with NRO on system acquisition. The Group coordinates and monitors system testing for space-based sensors, and interfaces with the Air Force Satellite Control Facility (SCF) for operational tasking. It also coordinates and provides input on future sensor requirements. X Group - Special Access Systems (???) (The function and designation of this Group is undetermined) Y Group - ??? (The function and designation of this Group is undetermined) Z Group (No Group with this designation has been identified) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Written By Netw0rk Bug for SWATEAM www.swateam.org AUG'99 If you have any questions or comments then don't hesitate to mail me at " bug@netw0rk.freeserve.co.uk " I would like to hear from anyone, no matter what they have to say. ----------------------------------------------------------------------