_________SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE TWENTY TWO: OCTOBER 1999 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Choosing a good password \ / By Unknown Guest \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Password Choices: Using a password such as a birthday, phonenumber, spouse's name, or favorite TV show are all bad choices. Some guidlines are listed below for choosing a decent password. DO: Use a mix of numbers and letters. Punctuation is also good Use a mic of upper and lowercase letters if possible Use abbreviations or portions of words put together Use more than four characters in the password Change you password often; once every few months is good, once every few weeks to be extra sure. DO NOT: Write a password down anywhere Tell anyone your password, especially over the phone or via email Use words you could find in a dictionary Use words that are easily guessable: proper nouns, repeated characters (AAAA), character patterns (qwerty, asdfghjkl) Tell anyone root password