_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Goblinz Arrested \ / Goblinz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeh, OK, i got arrested, and for what... Grand theft, Arsen, no "the theft of various dessicant silica gell packs and a BT linemans handset". Ive managed to turn this article into a few parts to make it so that it isnt such a big read! This is what happened... Me (Goblinz), F_S, Monkey and Foggy were all in a pub and were deciding what to do,, we all ended up going back to F_S's house, his parents were coming back in the morning and he decided he couldnt trust us not to trash his house, so we all decided to go Beige boxing, Monkey had passed his driving test earlier that day, so we now had added mobility. After grabbing the beige box, a hex wrench (13mm) and some of those fold up plyers, and the dictaphone, (watch out for the sound philes soon!!!!) we set off to find a secluded area. We mangaed to get into the box and fairly well set up, removing gell packs into the car when a taxi went past,,, so we all jumped ionto the car and drove off for 1/2 an hour, then came back, this turned out to be a mistake!!! We saw another car go by and dived back into our car... And then a white tranny van.. OH SHIT. F_S jumped out and pretended to take a piss on the cab box but the police orificers stopped to come and say hi. Monkey behaved like a good upstanding citizen and opened his window.. "Can i help you oficers". The police cuntables said they had a report about suspicious characters playing with a cab box, and went over to inspect the box... it was wide open with wires exposed. They then went about their business and asked us one by one to get outa the car and to be questioned,, Monkey came up with the wonderful reasoning of, "I hope you guys havent been putting any shit in my car" (as if he hadnt noticed!) Any way we decided that we'd say that we just found everything near the open box. Whilst F_S was been questioned i manged to hide my two hunting knives down the back of the seat... My turn, they just asked for my name and adress, i thought iut best to give proper details! ANyway after they had got our details and another van and a people carriuer arrived they said something about ther theft on the highways act [enter a random number here] and that they could search the car aswell as uds for tools cos the box had been tampered with, they found the beige box and the gell packs. They asked who had taken the packs, they had my prints all over them so i 0wned up. "What =, are you an engineer or something?", "well i am doing an engineering course officer", "Im placing you under arrest for suspission of theft" (oh shit! =) He then asked for me to empty my pockets and searched my bag.. Well he got mne to empty my pockets into his hands and then walked off round the corner, im sure im £10 short now. then the bag, well he searched it and missed tha pir8 cds and the firebomb/shrapnel bombs in the pocket. aswell as 2 hunting knives in the care nad beige box plans on the shelf... "i'm not gonna take you in now, but i'll come and collect you from your house in the morning", "Well cant you take me in now?", "ok then" "You gonna put handcuffs on me???" ;P "No, not if you dont struggle" HE then grabbed my arm and twised it in a funny way and held it there, shit that hurt. any way in the police van, witht he rest of the lads in their car behind me., i was quite comftable,, untilk they started drivingf!!! That bastard police man was doing at least 70 up a country road, round a round about twice and then back in the oposite direction to that station, my face was been bounced off the cage wall.. The rest of trhe lads varifeied the spped. Anyway, 1.30 AM at the station, the orificers opened up the door and said, "we're gonna do u a favour!" and left me there for 10 mimnutes, the rest of the gus arrived so i started shouting "hello, let me out, anyone there", kinda thing... I didnt realise that noone can see you through the tinted glass, so i was ignored.. nayway the cuntables returned and the lads went back to the car, they gave me two choices.. "he arrests us all takes prints and it goes through the courts or i admit to everything and just get a formal warning.." so, i did the latter. In his own words, he then un-arrested me and asked me for my adress and name.. "but ive already given it to that othe cop!" "just give it to me" (OOOHHHHHHH ERRRRRR0) So i spelt out every word of my adress leeter for letter. ANt then got released with no makr on my record. So we returned home and went online to brag on irc,, big time!!! Anyway... these thoughts always come after the event, but foggy said afterwards that we should have told them we work for Cable and Wireless SHOUTZ Every1 at dns con,, the Geekshop krew, The Alt.ph.uk lot (*eccept for clarus, who stared at me all the time and Syntax, who is just plain weird), and any1 ive forgotten names of,, so here goes... John, Dave, Rna, S3V3N_L3M0N (thx a lot fpor the help with the bags), DNA Alex DeLarge, Obsidian, Sideshow, Karpet, and ne1 ive forgotten,,, id just like to also add, 'GEddon u are a twat, lookin forward to seein ya next time, Also =.... i shoulkd just note for the PH.UK guys, i also go under HACKED666 on the N/GF, incase they didnt recognise me! And now for Sam... Yes i8'm crazy about you but you have lied about me and have intentionally fucked me around . You are a compulsive lie-er and i also phear you may be schitzophrenic aswell, You say u cant trust me ver again, but you have no reason for it. You know i'm right, but you need more help tgan you have been gettin, i have tried my very bedst to help you to stop your shirades, but what it comes down to is that you have been rejected fpor alot of your life, and for soem reason, you feel you have to keep it up. Incidently any girlyhackers/phreakers/anarchists please email me for a good time ;) goblinz565@hotmail.com