_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Beige Boxing \ / Goblinz \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing you should do is scout around in the daylight for a suitable cab box... A suitable box is one which.... Is in a secluded position Not in a residential area, i dont like ripping off innocent ppl, better to go for the capitalists One without a propper lock on it The old fibre glass style ones with simple screws on are best alternatively has metal hinged door with a central screw style lock right now to make the box.... GEt a phone that isnt too large and has a facility to switch between pulse and tone dialing, this is not neccesayry as most lines are now tone ones. Now remove the phone jack and crimp or solder crock clips to the red and white wire. Incidently the best device i have found for this is is a device which can be bought from the bt shop. This is a small box with rubber buttons and a jack foor head phones and microphone, a miniture phone. Tools you will need... 13mm hex wrench/gas shut off key (triangular one) Pliers Fag lighter Torch Now go to your cab box, at night and use the plyers or other tools to turn each bolt in turn (the triangular ones) about 1/2 an inch , until it loosens , then twist it a bit more with your fingers. You may only need to do the bolts on one half, anyway you know the bolt is un done,m cos when you pull that corner it comes free, take off the door,, a bit of metal should fall otu from the bottom. If the box is one with a central lock, just undo that and pull the door... hard,,,, it may be rusted. Now remove the white bags,, these are the things i got done for pinching!!!! You should now see lotsa wires, all in pairs,, pick one at random... Pull it away from the rest and un twist the pair.. n ow use a match to burn the two coatings. Strip the singed coating from the wire...... One thing, there is quite a voltage in these boxes and it will tingle, less than an electric fence so it is bearable. Attach the wires to the crock clips and dial away!!! if on the off chance it doesnt work, then reverse the wires. Modems on laptops can also be hooked up this way, for anonymous hacking. After you have done what you need to do, get out of there, i wouldnt bother putting the cover back on, unless you want to return to the box,, use your common sense to work out how to re-attach it. One thing that might be worth considering if you intend to use this box for a while is to drill a hole in the side and install a jack.. this should only be used with 0800 hundred access as to not show up repetively on the bill and be traced.. i suppose if it is near shrubbery or something you could extend the wire so you cant be seen. Another thing to do, if you want to be cheeky is to aquire one of those stripy repair tents that enginners use and then erect it in a public place,, oooh errr, and repair the cab box SHOUTZ Every1 at dns con,, the Geekshop krew, The Alt.ph.uk lot (*eccept for clarus, who stared at me all the time and Syntax, who is just plain weird), and any1 ive forgotten names of,, so here goes... John, Dave, Rna, S3V3N_L3M0N (thx a lot fpor the help with the bags), DNA Alex DeLarge, Obsidian, Sideshow, Karpet, and ne1 ive forgotten,,, id just like to also add, 'GEddon u are a twat, lookin forward to seein ya next time, Also =.... i shoulkd just note for the PH.UK guys, i also go under HACKED666 on the N/GF, incase they didnt recognise me! And now for Sam... Yes i8'm crazy about you but you have lied about me and have intentionally fucked me around . You are a compulsive lie-er and i also phear you may be schitzophrenic aswell, You say u cant trust me ver again, but you have no reason for it. You know i'm right, but you need more help tgan you have been gettin, i have tried my very bedst to help you to stop your shirades, but what it comes down to is that you have been rejected fpor alot of your life, and for soem reason, you feel you have to keep it up. Incidently any girlyhackers/phreakers/anarchists please email me for a good time ;) goblinz565@hotmail.com