_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / "Attacking Geddon" \ / by -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well for those of you who don't know, i was at DNS-CON this year, i know i didn't mention it before to anyone or anything like that because i only decided to go on Wednesday, and the Confrence was on Friday, so i spent thurday getting ready. ANYWAY, point to it all, those of you who weren't there and don't know (but would probably like to), I had Geddon thrown into the sea, well ok i picked him up (along with 3 others) and carried him (with 7 others) over to a nice shallow (about a foot) mud/water pool and dropped him in. Now everyone there saw the funny side to it, actually the only person who wasn't laughing was geddon (a few people said that he was crying over it, although i was too busy pissing myself to notice). Anyway, i didn't pick him up and throw him in because of all this "SWAT vs. Anti-Social" bollocks, or because its just an amusing thing to do (well, that did play a LARGE role). I did it for a couple of reasons: (1) Geddons feedback to a reader of his magazine on meet ups: -start letter- Hey.. I was just wondering, Will u ever be having any meet-ups in N.Ireland because I'd love to come to one but I cant get the time to fly over to england.. Pls consider it,, we would have a laugh :) P.s Keep it going!! -end letter- Geddon says : Hmmm a meet-up in Northern Ireland, nah I think being in one IRA bombing is enough for one life time thanks. I think maybe we would, if there were plenty of people interested and the staff could be bothered to fly over to N.Ireland to do it.......but seeing as you've just had half your countries known terrorists released from jail under the "Peace Agreement" I'm not to sure anyone fancies flying to N.Ireland for a meet-up. Maybe one day, but right now DNS-CON is just around the corner, and most of the staff are now either in Uni. or about to go to Uni. in the next year. So everyone life is a bit hectic for us all right now, but who knows.... Ok, so what can i say? CUNT A guy sends an e-mail to Geddon asking if theres any chance of a meet up in N.Ireland, i dunno, he obviously wants to get involved more and all that. So what does geddon to? picks on a touchy subject of the IRA and blatently rips into it. I mean some shit isn't said about stuff like that and he said it all. It just proves that hes a narrow minded little runt who doesn't give a fuck what he says about shit like that, i mean, everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but you don't use your fucking opinion to try to put some guy down and make yourself look big and hard. I could go on, but i won't. (2) All my efforts to talk to Geddon at DNS CON where ignored. Ok fair enough, i don't really mind, personally i would have liked to talk to him for a little more than five minutes before he ran off and hid somewhere. Well i introduced myself to him, said "hi" and exchanged a few words, posed for a picture for TeFX, then runs off. heh, i mean he only bumped into me by chance because his hack-the-fag network was fucked up. Maybe it was just me, but everyone i know who spoke to him was either "insulted" or they couldn't get hold of him. (i.e they couldn't really find him). Now i doubt he was too busy to socialise since i saw him sitting in a little lobby with a couple of other DNS CON staff doing fuck all. I mean, i dunno about him but one of my reasons for going there was to meet people and hopefully find a few SWAT readers (which, i was pleasently suprised to find a good few). So yeah, i was a little pissed off that he ignored me, maybe he though that he was too high and mighty to mix with us "non-staff", given his reputaion for being a swell head kinda proves this. (3) Its a laugh. Ok ok, so it was amusing, throwing somebody into the sea is funny as fuck at the best of times, but 99% of the people there found it more amusing because it was geddon, heh, ok maybe i'm being a little mean, but it certainly shows how popular he is when u ask a group of people if they want to help you out and then they all agree :) Well what happened was simple, Myself, Goblinz and (i think) Slide_Show went to grab him. We stood over by the sand castle his team was building (it was a sand castle building compo). I grabbed his legs and lifted him up, Goblinz and Slide Show grabbed his arms. Almost instantly a group of people gathered round us and started laughing at him, well ok that was funny in itself. Well Geddon saw the funny side of it, well i assume he did when he said: "well i expected something like this to happen" while laughing. Although the smile was wiped from his face when he was about 25 feet from the water and he realised that we where not fucking about. So the little runt squirms a leg free and kicks me in the chest, so more people come to help, well Karpet (a "dedicated" AS fan - and a really cool guy) grabbed his arm when he got that free, i just kept hold of his legs. A few moroe people helped carry him over to the water. So after wading through the sea a bit we all dropped him. LOL, in all seriousness it was funny as fuck. Ok so Geddon was pissed off big time and some people informed me that he was crying, so he fucked off to get changed and wasn't seen until much later in the bar where Goblinz shot him on the elbow with a BB gun (ok lame, but he did it at his own accord). According to reliable sources, Geddon was rarely seen for the rest of the night. Well guys, don't get me wrong, the A-S members that i spoke too, where really good guys as far as i'm aware i got on really well with them, i only wish that i'd have spoken to more. The only one that i have a problem with is Geddon, people can say that i'm jealous "because hes more popular" and shit like that, but i'm not the one saying i have 35,000 readers with only 48,000 hits on the site, personally i don't like his attitude, it reminds me of a typical townies attitude, narrow-minded little fuck up who always thinks hes best. At DNS-CON i hoped to have the time to talk to him and maybe get to know him a little better, but he was just too important to talk to people, and decided to live up to him name and actually be anti-social himself. In each issue of AS in the feedback section he slates at least one readers letter and does his best to humiliate them and make them look lame, while building himself up. Mail in his magazine is either something he can slate or something that makes him look good, well lets face it, some fucker that makes a huge deal about his birthday on the web site and goes on about how he passed his driving test the first time, obviously has an inferiority complex.