_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY TWO AUGUST 2000 __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / an artical of a mixture of things \ / by da 8cid \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- contents: 0.intro --------- 1.card surfing 2.makeing a cheap fake id 3.a simple but effective scam 4.pool tables 5.hacking hotmail passwords 6.mini electric chair 7.the infamous vodka melon 8.disclamer ================================================================================================= 0.intro well this is my first artical for S.W.A.T i am shareing things that i think are useful to know i hope you enjoy this and find this file useful ================================================================================================= 1. card surfing this is classed as carding so if you get caught it is your fault you will need: 2 people 1=a pickpocket 2=a bloke with a mobile fone(it can be a shit one as long as it has a memory!!) THIS IS WHAT YOU DO: the person with a mobile stands by a cash point machine and watchs the person puting in his pin number in the machine and stores it in his fone memory then puts the fone to his ear to look as like he is making a fone call.he must then watch where the person puts his card a tell the pickpocket where it is.the pickpocket when he has got the card find the closest machine thats accepts it and draw out as much cash a possible.then discard the card. PRECAUTIONS: now in most high street there are light hanging of the side of building if it has smoked glass so it looks like the bulb has blown do not do it in front of these they are the pigs(opps police) cameras which will follow you everywhere you go! ================================================================================================= 2.making a cheap fake id for most of us we can not go out and spend £50 on a fake id.well he is how to make your own you will need: a template(download one from the WWW.) something credit card shaped with no bumps on it photo paper a printer that prints at 1440x720 dpi a shape knife pritt stick or another thin type a glue gift voucher(optional) steel ruler method:once you have edited the id on your computer print it out on the photo paper at 1440x720 dpi.cut it useing the ruler and the knife(or a paper cutter but they are mostly found in schools) cut it out.now get your credit card shaped thing(if you are planning to open a business doing this buy something called cardcleane it is about 6.99 and has 20-30 credit card shaped things) now spead the glue thinley on one side of the card(i use pritt stick and dab it once in each corner) now stick one side of the id down and the do the same with the other side now make sure there are no air bubbles under the paper now get your gift vocher and cut out the hologram make it a good size now stick to your id useing pritt stick not to thick stick your photo on it now and check that it is perfect.if it is surpose to have a magnetic strip it is clear that a printer can not print one so you can either take it off the id before you print it but this makes the id look empty so i recomend that you get an old floppy disk and cut the out the disk bit and stick on so it look real but you can not swipe it.now to lamanate it you can either iron one palstic to it or if you lamante you a machine you need 10 mil lamanate pouchs run it though the lamantor 2-3 times to get rid of the air bubbles now you have your self an id but keep it a sercret you made your self if it gets around the street the pigs always find out some time about it ================================================================================================= 3. a simple but effective scam say do you live within a 1hr drive of a seaside that is a popular tourist attraction.if you do,do you always see people standing at the harbour advertiseing deep-sea fishing trips if you do this how you could take advantage of that.one day drive there and wait till one of those boats are at sea and that you can see it there now most trips cost about £12 upwards now start advertising you 'fishing trip' for around £10 and you are bound to get abot fifteen custermers wanting to do this that is £150 pounds.only do this if you live away from the seaside and do it in 3 week blocks to avoid being caught. ================================================================================================= 4.pool tables now i am going to share with you 3 methods of how to get FREE games of pool on the tables you have to pay for (1)now look where you can see the red and yellow balls and then look where they come out now the corner that meets between the two cusions lift it up(if you can) you should see a catch in front of the front ball either:push the front ball or the catch forward disadvantage:you can easlie be spotted doing this method,most times the cusions is screawed down (2)where you put your money in the thing and push it in to get the balls out.if you push it just in so you get the balls and the thing stays there doesn't come back in postion each time you pot a ball it will just come back out again the hole again.the advantage useing this method is if you get caught you can claim that you did not realise that that it hadn't come back out. disadvantage:this does not work on alot of tables (3)this is simple just stick the cue up where the balls come out and wiggle it about until the balls come out disadvantage:doesn't always work and look suspicious. ================================================================================================= 5.hacking hotmail accounts this is very simple i hve reas alot of my friends e-mails use this but about 5in10 times they will ask you a sercret qusetion the user set up with the account but if you know the person it is easy to get the answers.now all you do is e-mail FORGOT_PW@HOTMAIL.com with the e-mail address you want to hack and a new password and the computer stores the new password so it thinks you are a user> it does work!! it may also work with yahoo passwords but i have not tryed it but i think it would be better because when you sigh up they do not ask you any secret questions ================================================================================================== 6. an mini eletric chair right this works useing 12/24 volts so it could not kill you will need:an all metal construted chair two of those wires used to test car batteries(the ones with the plier shaped things) a car right this is simple connect the wires two the terminals on the batterie in the car and the other ends two the chair get your victim to sit in the chair now to shock him rev the car and the batteries will send a eletrical current though the chair and your victim ================================================================================================= 7. the infamous vodka melon you will need:a melon some vodka a sharp knife make a hole in the melon with the knife and get all the seeds out though the hole now when all the seeds are out pour in the vodka fill the melon with as much as you can and plug the hole with something water proof just in case the melon rolls over now out it in the fridge and leave it there for about 3 days.the vodka soaks into the skin and after it has been 3 days take it out, cut it,eat,get pissed. ================================================================================================= 8.i take absolutly no responsiblity for the things you decide to use from this file if you get caught it is you own fault NOT mine or the members of S.W.A.T. ================================================================================================= written by da 8cid