_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY EIGHT FEBRUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / Guiness cherry bomb \ / The Chameleon \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- a brilliant little banger guarenteed to make granny leave jumbo jet skidmarks in her nickers. Dont forget to check out the new site http://www.1avenue.com/killuminati/ =-^Knightwolf^-= Tools: soldering iron knife lighter black powder fuses blue tak alluminium tape 4 pack of guiness (or as many as you can drink) Now make sure you get the ones with the little widget inside For the best result try to seperate the the widget down the seal as best possible. Insert the fuse into the hole in the top it's usually a bit small ok it phucking tiny make it bigger. Seal the fuse hole using blue tak. Now fill both halfs with black powder and use the small edges to re-seal the ball using a soldering iron. Wrap it up real tight with alluminium tape. Use the lighter and ****BOOM**** Thanks to there small size you can fit about 50 in a small carrier bag so they serve wonders as minority ammunition. warning some people may suffer from severe loss of garden shed door if used correctly (but it aint me) L83r all =-^Knightwolf^-= A.K.A !*Chameleon*!