_________ SWAT MAGAZINE ISSUE THIRTY EIGHT JANUARY __________ / \___________________________________________/ \ / More of Firestarters random bollocks \ / -=The Firestarter=- \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well in this nice little article i hope to somewhat explain why i've not been responding to e-mails as much this past month, and, well, other such stuff. Well the reason is that i'm VERY busy with KribNET (www.krib.net), its no longer the hosting company that it once was :( its now a fully blown warez site. Anyhow, as you may or may not have guessed, managing two fairly large sites, and well, getting one of them up and running how it should be, takes a lot of time. So, i'm sorry for not responding to any e-mails lately and also not mailing half the people who applied for jobs. So what do iintend to do about it? Well your best options are as follows: 1) pop onto irc.cocytus.ath.cx #cocytusuk and chat to us (we're normally on between 6pm and 3am) but mostly around 11pm 2) E-mail Phreakazoind and he'll get u doing what u need to be doing. 3) Post on the Forum on the site. HOPEFULLY i will be back to my usual self in next to no time. Since SWAT has expanded largely due to KribNET, we WILL be taking on new members to help out with the site, SO all of you who asked for jobs as the second webmaster, PLEASE e-mail phreakazoid and he'll pass on your e-mail addesses to me. SWAT is MASSIVLY understaffed as far as webmasters go, we need help with the following: 1) File archive manager - somebody to keep SWATs file archive growing this WILL involve finding and uploading files as well as patching up broken links, the page WILL require updating and new files added WEEKLY - i.e u will need to get more files on a regular basis and maintain the page. 2) KribNET is in need of uploaders 3) A general webmaster to create LISTs and LISTs of things for download on KribNET, this will most likely just be cracks and CGI scripts but it needs to be done, you will get the chance to have your banner(s) on the KribNET site and you should be able to make money/get your site fuckloads of hits. 4) Another general webmaster is needed to help maintain swateam.org - this ONLY involves finding and problems with the site and reporting them to the relevent webmaster, it will also involve creating simple pages for people that maintain the site, and then e-mailing them the pages. No real hard work to be honest.