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TechFacts is general handy tool for win9x, u can view/kill processes, enumerate atoms and window handles, it has cpu usage moniters, memory statistics etc. it a damn useful thing to have. Tools Needed ------------ TechFacts98 - the target, get from http://www.winutils.com w32dasm or IDA - disassembler - get from www.exetools.com or protools.cjb.net hex editor - HIEW or hex workshop. http://www.bpsoft.com for hexworkshop. Setup ----- ok, download and install techfacts, i'm assuming u have ur hexed and disassembler setup already. make a backup of the techfacts .exe and disassemble tekfct98.exe. run techfacts wait for the nag screen to disappear and goto help/about, click use regkey and enter name: solidox company: TVP serial: 123456 click ok. it throws a messagebox at us saying "Registration Key Failed!" so remember this. there will be 3 methods to do in this tutorial, method 1 will be making it so that it'll accept any serial, method 2 will make it be always regged, method 3 will be getting a real serial. Method 1 -------- ok, in w32dasm with ur disassemblies open the SDR (string data refrences) window and look for that text we got when we tried to reg with a dodgy serial "Registration Key Failed!" once u've found that dbl-click on it. u'll get landed at the address 47999e and it'll look like this. * Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Registration Key accepted!" | :00479983 B8E49A4700 mov eax, 00479AE4 <-- good boy :00479988 E8378EFCFF call 004427C4 :0047998D A194074E00 mov eax, dword ptr [004E0794] \ intresting... :00479992 C60000 mov byte ptr [eax], 00 / remember this :00479995 EB11 jmp 004799A8 * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00479886(C) <-- hmm... what's this? | :00479997 6A30 push 00000030 * Reference To: user32.MessageBeep, Ord:0000h | :00479999 E8E6D6F8FF Call 00407084 <-- make the box beep * Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Registration Key Failed!" | :0047999E B8089B4700 mov eax, 00479B08 <-- we land here at badboy :004799A3 E81C8EFCFF call 004427C4 <-- call some messagebox thingie ok, so... looking at this we see that the badboy routine is called from 479866 by * Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address: |:00479886(C) that line there. a conditional jump from 479886. so, lets have a look at that addy. in the disassembler goto address 479886. u u'll find this. :00479881 E832A8F8FF call 004040B8 <-- some checking routine :00479886 0F850B010000 jne 00479997 <-- if the result of the last cmp is \ is false then jump to badboy if the serial entered is wrong, it jumps to bad boy. so lets make it never jump to the bad boy. to do that we change the jne instruction into a few NOPs, the op codes for the jne instruction are 0F850B010000 so we change it to 6 nops: 909090909090 for this we need our trusty hex editor. hi-lite the jne line in w32dasm and look at the status line at the bottom. it'll say @Offset 00078C86h this is the location of that code in the file, so open tekfct98.exe in ur hex ed goto 78c86 and u should have the 6 jne bytes, change em all to 90. this will basically make it so it never jumps to that location it just continues and executes the goodboy code. Now, once patched, run techfacts goto help/about choose enter reg key, enter Name: solidox Company: TVP Serial: 123456 and choose ok. bingo! it says reg key accepted. techfacts is now regged. Method 2 -------- this method involves making techfacts always regged, so no name/serial entering is required. remember the thing i told u to remember? if not here it is: * Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Registration Key accepted!" | :00479983 B8E49A4700 mov eax, 00479AE4 <-- good boy :00479988 E8378EFCFF call 004427C4 :0047998D A194074E00 mov eax, dword ptr [004E0794] \ intresting... :00479992 C60000 mov byte ptr [eax], 00 / remember this :00479995 EB11 jmp 004799A8 what this does is move an offset into eax and then changes the value at that offset. so when it gets regged it changes a variable to 00. this means crackability. what we need to do is find out where the value is written on startup so we can change it. ok, now to find where it sets this byte to 01 (unregged) i'm using IDA cos... w32dasm is gimp, now, in IDA u stick the cursor on 004E0794 and hit X it gives u a list of places where the byte is accessed from, so u go thru em and look at the opcode after it until u find mov byte ptr [eax], 01 which appears at 004BBD57, so we need to make it mov 00 to [eax] the opcodes for it are: C60001 at location BB157. we take our hex editor and goto location BB157 and change the opcodes to C60000 which will move 0 to that byte where the reg status is stored. there, cracked no reggin' required. Method 3 -------- me being a fool decided to write about method 3 up above before trying it out, and basically it's beyond the scope of this article (i ain't figured it out anyhoo). sorry ppl. Wrap Up ------- ok, so if u managed all that, well done. however, if u can put these methods to use on other programs then u have truly learned. Disclaimer ---------- i accept no responsibility for this, anything that happens as a result of anything to do with this article is your own fault, not mine. this article was provided to educate people and thus is provided for educational purposes only, NOT to get free software. if u like it, pay for it, support the authors.