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Tools Needed ------------ Mirc v5.91t - the target - www.mirc.co.uk w32dasm - dissassembler ida - not essential but a MUCH better disassembler than w32dasm softice - debugger hex editor - get hex workshop from www.bpsoft.com u can get w32dasm, ida, and softice from www.exetools.com or protools.cjb.net or suddendischarge (can't remember url) these sites have plenty of resources for cracking and reversing. Setup ----- ok run download mirc if u dun have it already, install, run. goto help/register enter solidox for the name and 12345 for the serial. "the registration name and number.... blah" ok, fire up w32dasm or ida and disassemble mirc32.exe. Patching -------- ok in w32dasm (there is no option for this in IDA so u'll have to use w32dasm aswell) goto the SDR window and look for the string, it's one of the resource strings. you'll land at 4b0bcf. ok scroll up till ya find a refrenced by jump at address 4b0ace. goto that address. u should find: .text:004B0ABD push 00569F83 ; push serial .text:004B0AC2 push 00569B9C ; push name .text:004B0AC7 call 004B0655 ; call 1st bit of check .text:004B0ACC test eax, eax ; test return .text:004B0ACE je 004B0B8B ; if 1 jump to bad boy this listing has been taken and edited from IDA so w32dasm ones might look slightly diffrent. anyways, what we find here is mirc calls a function with 2 paramiters then tests the result to see if it's positive, if it is it jumps to bad boy. lets try the any name/serial trick. we change the je to nops. the je bytes look like this 0F84B7000000 so 6 bytes, that means 6 nops. so highlite the je line in w32dasm or IDA and get the offset from the status bar, which is B00CE. whip out ur hex editor and goto that offset and change the 6 bytes into 0x90's, save and load mirc enter any name and serial "your registration has been entered sucessfully" ok looks registered, but... close mirc and reopen it, aww it's still unregistered because it writes the info u've entered into the registry and not the correct stuff. no biggy, just means we're gunna have to patch the startup checkingness. just before the test and the jump there's a call, this is the 1st bit of the serial checking routine, highlite it and hit the call button (or press enter in IDA), u see it's refrenced by 3 address' one of them we need to patch so goto the 1st one, 4b07f3, we see that we've got the call, a test and then a je. if u scroll up a bit u'll see the string "Software\\Mirc" this looks like registry stuff so we're in the right place. highlite the je instruction after the call and test and note the offset, AFDFA, and the bytes 7418. now the function returns 0 if the serial was correct so we don't want it to jump so we replace it with nops, change the 7418 to 9090 ok back in our disassembler go back up to 4b0655 where the 1st serial check is and check the next address 4b08cd, goto that. looks similar to the last one, take the offset of the je instruction after the test and change the bytes to a double nop (9090) once u've done that, saved etc. boot up mirc, try to register, "your reg has been sucessful" close mirc, reopen and piching... still regged :) ok that's all very nice and that but not a great deal of ppl can be arsed patching, so we move onto our next section... Serial Fishing -------------- patching ain't always the best idea, ppl would much perfer a simple easy serial. we're going to get that serial :) for this we will be using softice, now remembering back to the disassembly listings in the 1st bit of the serial check at 4b06dd it calls the 2nd bit of the serial check. follow it in the disassembler, u'll end up at 4b0562. this is the addy we need to set a breakpoint on, so open a clean copy (non patched) of mirc goto help/register (to unregister go into the registry find the mirc key and delete the registered stuff) enter solidox for name and 12345 for the serial, but don't click ok yet, jump into softice (ctrl+d) and do bpx MessageBoxA this will set a breakpoint on the messagebox, ctrl+d out of softice again and click ok. softice will pop up, hit F11 to get the calling process, now that ur in the mirc process u can set a breakpoint, type bpx 4b0562 and leave softice, enter solidox again for name and 12345 for serial. click ok and u should land in softice at 4b0562 with push ebp as the current instruction. so, press F10 until to get to 4b0577 with instruction cmp eax, 05 the call above it is a strlen, this just checks to see if the name is longer than 5 chars, which it is. so continue with F10 till ya get to 4b0586, this is a call to strchr looking for the value 0x2d which in ascii is a hyphen '-', oh oh... we don't have a hyphen in our serial problemo... exit softice, reenter solidox for name and put 123-45 as the serial. once again u should break into softice, now trace down (F10) past the name length check and past the hyphen check until ya get to 4b05e2, movzx esi, byte ptr [ebx] this bit will loop a few times so let it do that, once it breaks from the loop keep tracing till 4b05fe cmp ebx, [ebp-4] at this point type '? ebx' into softice and the number u'll get is... the 1st bit of the serial! should be 5082, note this down. continue tracing till ya get to 4b061b, another loop... let it loop and when it breaks trace to 4b063e, cmp ebx, [ebp-8] do another '? ebx' and u've got the 2nd part of the serial. should be 536280... ok we're finished with softice, type 'bc *' and ctrl+d out of it. enter solidox for the serial and 5082-536280 as the serial and bingo! it's registered. ain't that nice :) however... there's still a better way and that is... Keygen ------ ppl would much perfer to register software with there own name and serial rather than someone else's, this is why keygens should be made if possible. this is where it become reverse engineering and not cracking... shouldn't need softice for this one it's simple(ish) disassembly listing analysis. ida is much perfered for this one as it's a lot easier to understand than w32dasm, all the listings i paste are from IDA and there modified slightly so things won't always look the same but it'll be easier to understand. we start off at the 2nd part of the serial checking routine, 4b0562, goto it. there are 2 arguments that are passed to this function, the name and the serial. [ebp+arg_4] (or [ebp+0C] in w32dasm) is the serial, [ebp+s] ([ebp+8]) is the name. .text:004B056B mov esi, [ebp+arg_4] ; [ebp+arg_4] == serial .text:004B056E push [ebp+s] ; this is where the name is stored .text:004B0571 call _strlen ; check length of name .text:004B0576 pop ecx .text:004B0577 cmp eax, 5 ; check if name is >= 5 chars .text:004B057A jnb short loc_4B0583 ; goodboy .text:004B057C xor eax, eax ; badboy .text:004B057E jmp Fin this is the first bit of checking, it makes sure that the name entered is more than 5 chars long. the jmp Fin jumps to a bit which basically returns from the function, xor eax, eax makes eax = 0, we don't want this. we want eax to be 1 when we return. assuming all it well and the name is longer than 5 chars it jumps to 4b0583. .text:004B0583 loc_4B0583: .text:004B0583 push 2Dh ; '-' .text:004B0585 push esi ; esi = name .text:004B0586 call _strchr ; check to see if there is a '-' ; in the serial .text:004B058B add esp, 8 .text:004B058E mov ebx, eax ; ebx is now a pointer to the ; '-' in the serial .text:004B0590 test ebx, ebx .text:004B0592 jnz short loc_4B059B ; goodboy .text:004B0594 xor eax, eax ; badboy .text:004B0596 jmp Fin ok in this we have a check to see if there is a hyphen ('-') in the serial if it dosn't exist goto badboy. there is now some code which splits up the number before and after the hyphen, ain't really of intrest to us. next intresting bit is: (note: i've stripped out the address' to make fit better) push [ebp+s] ; s call _strlen ; check then name length again (?) pop ecx mov [ebp+var_C], eax ; var_c is the length of the name xor eax, eax ; clear eax xor ebx, ebx ; clear ebx mov edx, 3 mov ecx, [ebp+s] add ecx, 3 ; move along 3 chars in the string cmp edx, [ebp+var_C] ; compare the name length with 3 jge short loc_4B05FE ; compare ebx with serial loc_4B05E2: movzx esi, byte ptr [ecx] imul esi, LookupTable[eax*4] ; multiply current char in the name by ; a number in the lookup table add ebx, esi inc eax cmp eax, 26h jle short loc_4B05F7 ; resets eax if > 26h xor eax, eax loc_4B05F7: inc edx inc ecx cmp edx, [ebp+var_C] ; compare the name length with edx jl short loc_4B05E2 ; if < jump up to the movzx instruction loc_4B05FE: cmp ebx, [ebp+var_4] ; compare ebx with serial jz short loc_4B0607 ; if equal then jump xor eax, eax jmp short Fin so... what happens here? well... this is the bit which generates the 1st part of the serial (numbers before the hyphen) how does it do it? the mov ecx,[ebp+s] makes ecx a pointer to the name it then moves along 3 chars of it. solidox 0123456 ^--- first to work on it takes the current char, multiplys it by the nth number of the lookuptable, where n is eax. it then adds the number to ebx and loops until the last char in the string is reached. so... C code for this would be: int lookupoffset = 0; for(int i = 3, i < name_length; i++) { seriala += name[i] * LookupTable[lookupoffset * 4]; lookupoffset++; if(lookupoffset > 0x26) lookupoffset = 0; } this will generate the 1st part of the serial for us. now all we need is the 2nd part. mov edx, 3 mov ecx, [ebp+s] ; ecx is now pointer to name add ecx, 3 ; ecx is now pointer to 3rd char in the name cmp edx, [ebp+var_C] ; compare edx with name length jge short loc_4B063E ; jump if greater loc_4B061B: movzx esi, byte ptr [ecx] ; esi = current char movzx edi, byte ptr [ecx-1] ; edi = char b4 the current one imul esi, edi ; multiply current by previous char imul esi, LookupTable[eax*4] ; multiply current char by lookup ; table * eax add ebx, esi ; add up numbers inc eax cmp eax, 26h jle short loc_4B0637 ; this resets eax if it's > 26h xor eax, eax loc_4B0637: inc edx inc ecx cmp edx, [ebp+var_C] ; compare edx to name length jl short loc_4B061B ; esi = current char loc_4B063E: cmp ebx, [ebp+var_8] jz short GoodBoy xor eax, eax jmp short Fin ok once again... start with the 4th name char. this time... we multiply the current char by the previous one then multiply that number by summin' in the lookuptable. add em up for all the chars and we got the 2nd part of the serial. so we change the C function above and add 2nd bit generating to it. int lookupoffset = 0; for(int i = 3, i < name_length; i++) { seriala += name[i] * LookupTable[lookupoffset * 4]; serialb += (name[i] * name[i-1]) * LookupTable[lookupoffset*4]; lookupoffset++; if(lookupoffset > 0x26) lookupoffset = 0; } ("%s-%s", seriala, serialb) is ur serial in nice looking ness :) and this will generate our serial. now we ain't discussed what the lookup table is, well at 0x555668 there is an array of 32bit ints, 38 of em in total, so we get the offset of it make it into an byte array in code etc and that's it. i ain't gunna tell ya excactly how u can do it, work it out for yourself. Fin --- ok now unreg mirc and go and buy it if u really like it and use it. the point of this is not to get free software but to learn about how programs work and how to reverse engineer them. if u've understood then and could do it to another program then u have succeded in learning. if u wish to contact me then find me on irc: hub.cocytusuk.org / #cocytusuk Disclaimer ---------- i accept no responsibility for this, anything that happens as a result of anything to do with this article is your own fault, not mine. this article was provided to educate people and thus is provided for educational purposes only, NOT to get free software. if u like it, pay for it, support the authors.