0.1.6 (14.02.2015)
- Migrate trakt api to V2 (thx to tknorris)

0.1.4 (08.01.2014)
 - fix adding or deleting of movies with only tmdb_id or imdb_id
 - fix urlencoding bug (e.g. on movies with colon in title

0.1.3 (23.06.2013)
 - Added "Add to CouchPotato"-Feature
 - Fix Delete Movie from List
 - Updated translations

0.1.2 (12.05.2013)
 - fixed error if movie from watchlist or customlist is present in xbmc
   database and movie file contains unicode character
 - added translations

0.1.1 (29.04.2013)
 - added feature to play movies from trakt.tv lists if they are present in 
   the xbmc database. Present movies are bold.

0.1.0 (07.03.2013)
 - added full watchlist list (add/delete movies)
 - added possibility to set the watchlist or any custom list as default list
 - added possibility to add a movie to the watchlist by external add-ons
 - changed interface for external add-ons
 - added "Show Movie Info" to context menu
 - added setting "Use HTTPS" (default enabled)
 - fixed script errors
 - code improvements
 - string improvements

0.0.2 (02.03.2013)
 - added possibility to set a default list
 - added watchlist (read) support
 - new icon

0.0.1 (30.03.2013)
 - initial release